Ice cream

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When Jimin left I waited for my parents to get back, but they never did. I ended up going to bed at midnight after waiting for them.

The next morning was also not great for me. Not only did I fall off the bed, but I also found out my parents were still not home and I didn't know why. I decided to take a day off school, since I was in a really negative state of mind.

I texted my parents but they did not respond. Sighing, I brought my blanket downstairs and put on some movies all day, ignoring the entire outside world.

Unfortunately, one of the movies I picked turned out to be a sad one. Half way through I was balling my eyes out, feeling sorry for all the characters.

I got up to grab some tissues when there was a knock at my door. I peeked out of the window and saw Jimin. I opened the door slightly, staying in the shadows.

"Why weren't you in school?" He asked worriedly. I shrugged but then I realised that he couldn't see me.
"Didn't feel like it" I told him.
"Can I come in?" He asked. I left the door open for him as I went back to the movie.

"Have you been crying?" He questioned as he came in, seeing my face now.
"It's a sad movie" I said to justify my tears.
"Ooooh let's see" he said sitting beside me. By the end of it even he had tears in his eyes. It almost made me laugh, the bad boy Jimin cried at a movie.

"Do you have ice cream?" He asked, while picking another movie for us to watch.
"Yeah" I said, going to get it. I came back with the tub and a spoon for him.
"Aren't you having any?" He asked.
"Um no" I replied.

"What have you eaten today?" He interrogated me.
"Food" I vaguely muttered, staying at a distance from him.
"What food?" He continued, approaching me.
"Normal food" I said.
"Y/N" He warned me,
"Fine. Nothing, I didn't feel like it" I revealed. He looked so shocked, like I had done something to him.

"Y/n" he said softly,
"Please, don't do that" he told me, bringing me into a hug. I went rigid, not knowing how to react.
"What are you doing?" He asked taking his arms off me.
"I don't know" I replied.
"It's just a hug" he told me.
"I know" I said.
"Do you?" He teased, making me raise my eyebrow at this foolish child.

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