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The weekend went way too fast for my liking, and now I had to go back to school. I walked through the crowded corridors, heading for class when all of a sudden i felt a hand grab my arm. I was dragged into a room and the door slammed behind me.

A man, with a lot of muscles stood blocking the only exit. I turned to see who had brought me here. It was Mina, the 'popular girl', and she was looking me up and down in disgust.

"What does Jimin want with you?" She sneered. When I didn't say anything, she slapped the counter in frustration.
"What do you have that I don't?!" She spat, glaring at me. I stared back at her.

"Well. Aren't you going to say something?" She yelled in my face.
"Can I leave now?" I asked, stifling laughter from my own nonchalant behaviour. She slapped me, hard.
"Why don't you care?" She yelled, even more frustrated.

I felt arms hold mine from behind, the muscly man had grabbed them and, no matter how much I tried, I could not get free. She put her fists up, preparing to hit me.

Her fist hit my face, the impact making me flinch, which made muscles behind me tighten his grip. After the bell rung, when she had bloodied fists herself, she started to leave.
"Oh, you can do what you please with her" she told the man behind me and winked before leaving.

He turned me round to face him, and stroked my face, smirking. I flinched away from him. He pushed me back against a table and I kneed him. When he was bent over in pain I ran out of the room.

I raced into the toilets, breathing heavily and looked at myself in the mirror. My hands trembled as I reached up to my face, which had bruises and my lip was bleeding. I didn't want to face Jimin like this.

I calmed down and went to the nurses office for a while, to see if she could help my appearance. She helped the bruises go down a little, but my lip kept bleeding so I had to hold a tissue to it. When she asked me how I did it, I told her I fell down the stairs again, it was easier than the truth.

I went back to class late and handed the teacher a note from the nurse before sitting down. Jimin gave me a look but couldn't say anything since Mrs Forest was talking.

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