First steps

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"Wanna play strip poker?" He asked. I grabbed a pillow off his bed and started hitting him with it.
"No you idiot" I said and he laughed.
"Alright, alright" he said putting the cards away.

"He should be home soon" he told me, talking about his roommate. I nodded and we sat there looking at each other for a while.

Then we heard keys downstairs and footsteps.
"Jin!" Jimin shouted, pounding his fist on the door. Then the footsteps approached,
"Yes?" Jin asked from the other side.
"We are locked in, please help" Jimin begged.
"Let me go get the key" The guy who I'm guessing is Jin said.

I knew he would come back soon, and I wanted to do something before he did.
"Jimin" I said, turning his face towards me.
"Yes?" He asked. Then I kissed him, it was sudden so he froze for a minute, then he started kissing back. That's when I heard keys in the door and I pulled away.

"I'm gonna go now" I said, rushing away.
"Y/n" Jimin called, but I was already gone.
"Thanks Jin" I shouted behind me.

When I got home I went straight to bed, being hung over for school was not the best idea, but I could try and make it better.

After sleeping through a headache I got ready for school. I had some breakfast and then left the house. When I got out of my gate I walked straight into Jimin. I jumped slightly but tried to play it off,
"What are you doing here?" I asked starting to make my way to school.

"Walking with you" he replied, catching up to me.
"About yesterday" he started as if he wanted me to say something, but I didn't.
"Was it the alcohol, or was it you?" He asked.
"Mostly me, with the help of some alcohol" I replied honestly, he sighed in relief and started humming to himself.

I knew the song he was humming, it was one of my favourites. I started nodding my head to it, he could hum really well. When it came to the chorus he ended up singing it and I was amazed at how good his voice sounded.
"You sing really well" I told him when he finished.
"Thanks" he said, slightly blushing.

We got to school after two more songs and ended up being late for class.
"Damn" I muttered when I heard the late bell ring. We walked into class together and immediately people started whispering, of course they did.

I saw the rest of BTS mouthing to him and narrowing their eyes at us, but Jimin went over to their tables and told them something. They were apparently okay with it because they stopped and started paying attention to Mrs Forest.

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