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There were boxes laid out and shots by the side.
"You want me to get drunk?" I asked them.
"Only if you lose" Jungkook winked.

"The game is: two of us hide in a box. The other guesses which two boxes, if they get one right, the person in that box drinks. If they get one wrong, they drink" Tae explained. I nodded and looked at each of the 3 boxes.

"I'll go first" Jungkook volunteered, turning to face the door. Tae pointed to the box he was going in and I showed him the one I was going in. We both climbed in our boxes and shut it up behind us.

"I'm turning now" Jungkook said. I heard his footsteps coming towards the boxes. I heard one open, followed by Tae laughing. I'm guessing he got found.
"Y/n, I'm coming" Jungkook said playfully. I tried not to make any noise, and it worked because he opened the wrong box.

When I heard it open I jumped out of my own box in triumph,
"I win!" I exclaimed.
"Fine, you win, Round 1" Tae winked.
"My turn" Tae said, turning around.

I had an idea for this round, I signed to Jungkook what I had planned and we squeezed into the same box, giggling slightly. I shushed him and shut the lid.

"I'm coming" Tae said, moving towards the boxes. He laughed, and kept laughing for a while.
"You guys realise the box is too small for that, right?" He asked, still laughing his head off.

We sprung out of the box and he was crying of laughter.
"Go drink" he said wiping his eyes. I quickly downed a shot. Yuck, that's why I don't drink alcohol.

"My turn, go hide" I told them. I counted to 20 before spinning back around. I watched the boxes carefully for anything noticeable. There was no signs of movement so I began to make my guess.

I picked the third box and opened it, no one was inside. I then ran to the first box and opened that, but it was empty too.
"Where are you guys?" I asked, which was answered by giggling in the corner.

They were sat right by the wall, I don't know how I missed them.
"Isn't that cheating?" I asked.
"Not when we made the game" Jungkook said smirking. I took two shots for the two empty boxes I opened.

I saw Jungkook kept checking his phone for some reason,
"Something wrong?" I asked.
"I just wish we had more time to play, but we have to meet in the living room in ten minutes" he told me.
"We can still have some fun while we're here" I said grinning at them.

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