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I laid down next to Jimin, it was almost midnight now. I could hear the eery silence of the night around us, J-hope and Suga had fallen asleep already.

I tried sleeping, but I kept hearing mumbling noises, I thought they were coming from the other tent, so I went to have a look.

The moon glistened in the night sky, helping guide my way to the other tent. I was halfway there when I heard whispers, they weren't coming from the other tent, they were coming from the Forest.

I started retreating back to Jimin, but sped up when I heard noises coming closer. I screamed when an arm snaked around my waist and pulled me back. A hand covered my mouth to stop me, but they were too late.

BTS all came out of their tents in time to see me being forced into a car. I tried to fight, I kicked them in the knee, but they didn't care. I saw RM take a picture of the license plate while Jimin tried to chase after us.

I bashed my hand on the window and tried to open the door but it was locked.
"Stop" a Voice commanded. I turned towards it and saw my mum looking back at me and my dad driving.

Inwardly I groaned. Another murder plot. The only question was: how were they planning on killing me this time?

"This is finally it" my dad cheered, I had no clue what he was talking about.
"After waiting years" my mum continued, grinning. I saw her grab a brick out of her bag and unlock the front two doors. Then I realised they were actually going to kill me this time.

I looked ahead of us, we were driving towards the cliff edge.
"You don't have to do this" I pleaded, watching them prepare to jump out of the car to safety.
"No one can save you now" my mum laughed evilly.

She handed my dad the brick and he placed it on the gas pedal, making the car speed up. They counted down on their fingers, 3. 2. 1.

Simultaneously they opened their doors and jumped out of the car, I looked back to see them rolling to a halt on the ground.

The only way I could escape was the same way they did. I tried to climb to the front of the car, but got stuck. I could see how close to the end was, I only had a matter of seconds. I pulled myself free and leaped out of the open door.

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