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"Hey, y/n, isn't it?" One of them said, making them all turn to me. I kept walking, and opened the door to the stairs.
"Hey" he repeated. I sped up my descent and didn't look back.

When I got back to class I breathed a sigh of relief, happy that I had got away. I almost laughed about BTS wanting to talk to me. They had never done that before.

Jimin walked into the room before the others, heading to his seat beside me.
"Why did you run away?" He asked, looking at me.
"It was funny" I smirked.
"I don't get you" he said, raising an eyebrow.
"You don't have to" I replied, drawing on the paper in front of me.

"But I want to" he said, putting his hand near my arm.
"Why?" I questioned, wondering his intentions as I pulled my arm away.
"We could be friends" he smiled, and I could see him thinking about it already. Before he got excited about the idea, I interrupted his thoughts.
"No" I responded.

"Why can't we be friends?" He asked, pouting.
"Why do you want to be my friend?" I replied, avoiding his question.
"I don't know, you seem nice" he told me, tilting his head so it was more in my view.
"I'm not" I said harshly, looking back at my paper.

He was gonna say more but then Mrs Forest walked in.
"We'll talk later" he whispered, picking up his pen. Inwardly I groaned, he had so many questions that I didn't know how to answer.

By lunch time I had already decided to avoid him. I grabbed my food and raced up to the roof, sitting on the bench like always. I finished eating quickly incase he found me.

I took my phone out, playing random games to pass the time. In fact, I was so focused on my game that I didn't notice Jimin behind me.
"Hey y/n" he smiled, sitting beside me.
"Hey" I responded, still playing.

"Can we talk now?" He asked.
"Talk about what" I questioned, putting my phone away.
"Why can't we be friends?" He asked again.
"It won't last" I replied, remembering all my other 'friends'.

"What makes you say that?" He asked softly, as if he cared.
"Nothing. Where are the rest of BTS?" I changed the subject.
"They'll be coming in a minute" he winked. I didn't want to be here when they arrived, having seven boys to one girl was not ideal for me. (I'm a nervous wreck sometimes).

I got up,
"Thanks for the talk" I said before abruptly leaving.
"Y/n" he called, but I kept walking.
"Ahh, that girl" I heard him mutter.

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