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The bell rang and we were dismissed for lunch. I went straight to the roof, even though I knew Jimin wanted to talk. I didn't even try to eat, my lip hurt when I opened my mouth and it was still bleeding.

"Y/n" I heard and turned around. BTS were standing behind me, all of them looking worried.
"Are you okay?" Jimin asked, rushing to sit beside me. I nodded and then faced back towards the edge, watching the birds.

The rest of them sat in a circle, most of them on the floor.
"What happened?" Jungkook asked.
"Nothing" I said. They exchanged glances.
"Did you trip?" J-hope guessed.
"No" I replied. I knew they all wanted to ask questions that I didn't want to answer.
"Leave me alone" I told them before heading back down the stairs.

With 20 minutes to the end of lunch I saw them sit down at the opposite end of the library, talking quietly. I was playing on my phone, and tried to ignore them.

I saw Mina head over.
"Hey guys" I heard her say. I watched her interact with them, feeling upset and frustrated. They didn't say much to her, trying to focus on their own conversation. She glared as she walked away, just as I thought I was safe she spotted me.

She came over and sat opposite me.
"You're weird, no wonder no one likes you" she said angrily. I ignored her and kept playing. She took my phone from my hands and stuck out her tongue.

I got up out of my chair and punched her in the face before taking my phone back from her grasp. BTS looked shocked at me but I stormed off past them. I knew they were following me but ignored their loud footsteps as I went to my third and final safe place.

At least, I though it was a safe place. I had just sat down again when Mina entered the room, with the headmaster. Inwardly I groaned as they approached.

"Your coming with me" he said in an authoritative tone. I followed them to his office and sat down next to Mina.
"I'm very disappointed" he started.
"Fighting is not allowed at this school" he scolded me. Which made me guess Mina didn't tell him that she also hit me.

"Detention Miss y/n" he told me before gesturing that we could leave.

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