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To my new story. A vmin story again (of many more to come) and a hybrid story again.
I hope you'll enjoy it as much I had writing it!
Have fun reading!
Ur angcl!<3


Many fans screamed, cheered and applauded for him as he bowed and then walked off the stage. It was for him a usual day; just preforming his songs and interacting with some fans. Taehyung smiled as he listened to them. He ran a hand through his black hair and readjust his glasses.

'You did great!', his manager said. 'Perfect voice and dancing skills. Amazing like always.'

Taehyung thanked him and walked away.
After changing and arriving later in his hotel room, he sighed deeply. He threw himself on his bed and he rubbed his face frantically. He felt kinda lonely. He wished he was back in Seoul with his family and his friends. But his tour isn't over yet. He has to go to another three cities in Korea, one of them being his own birthplace; Daegu. He took his phone and scrolled through his contacts, finally clicking on his best friend's number.

'Heyyy bitchhh.', Jungkook's voice came from the other side. Taehyung rolled his eyes. 'How went your performance?'

'It was just... like usual.', Taehyung said. 'Why couldn't you come along again?'

'I told you, Nina couldn't survive one day without me.', Jungkook said.

'I heard that Kook!', a voice came from the background.

'That was the point, babe.', Jungkook giggled. Taehyung chuckled softly. 'Isn't someone else with you?',

'No.', Taehyung replied. 'Yoongi and Hoseok-hyung had their own concerts and Seokjin had to study for his graduation.'

'Sucks for you.', Jungkook chuckled. 'Where will you be going tomorrow?',

'Busan.', Taehyung said.


'Then we will be going to Gwangju, and then finally to Daegu.'

'Will you come and visit us?', Jungkook asked.

'If I have time maybe I will.', Taehyung said.

'Ehe, you better.', Taehyung rolled his eyes. He listened to Jungkook's rambling for more than thirty minutes, and feeling like his eyes would fall close within a second.

'Jungkook, I'm sorry but I'm going to bed.', Taehyung said. 'I'm exhausted.'

'Tsk, you just don't want to talk to me anymore.', Jungkook joked.

'Okay, fuck you bye.' With that Taehyung hung up. He placed his phone on his nightstand, like his glasses and crawled underneath the sheets.


The next day, when he arrived in Busan, he had two days before he would have to leave. His plan was at first to visit Jungkook and Nina, so that's what he did. It was hilarious with his two friends. but when he wanted to go back home, it was raining like mad. Jungkook lent him an umbrella so he could walk back to his hotel, without getting soaking wet. It was a quiet walk back.

He heard a loud bang when he walked past an alleyway and a soft whimper. Taehyung stopped in his tracks and looked at the alley. Two dumpsters were standing in the alley. He took a few steps into the alley and looked around. He glanced at the dumpsters and then realized what he was looking at. In between the dumpsters was the tightly curled body of a fairly small male cat hybrid. It looked like he had wedged himself between the dumpsters to try and stay out of the wind. His head was tucked under his arm, only his messy, tangled blonde locks and sandy brown ears could be seen over his shoulder.
Taehyung's eyes widened, he looked around and saw that the alley was abandoned except for him. He stepped out of the alley and decided to walk further. Basically, it wasn't his problem.

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