Flight and fi:ght

717 25 3

3rd person POV

In the headquarters of Re:bel, Misato was assigning missions to her team.

Misato: The red Re:volution users last known signal came from Russia. After that he hasn't transformed in a week.

Misato: Ash and Ren. You two are going to investigate his last known location to see if you can find evidence on where he's gone.

Ash/Ren: Yes ma'am.

Misato: Artemis, you are going to Estonia to investigate a sighting of a Nexus. If there is one, you know what to do.

Artemis:(smirks) Of course.

Misato: Ibuki, there are reports of hitchhikers body's being found in strange conditions. You are to go to Canada, to investigate.

Ibuki: On it!

A few hours later in Canada, (Y/n) was walking down a road, until a car stoped by.

Man: Hello hitchhiker, where you heading?

(Y/n): Where you going?

Man: Wherever you're heading to of course.

(Y/n) looked at the man. Something was off about him, it wasn't that he looked weird, he looked completely average in every way possible, he was too average.

(Y/n): .............. Seems legit.

(Y/n) entered the car.

(Play opening)

(2 hours before (Y/n) entered the car)

Ibuki arrived in a town near the location where the body's have been found.

She headed twords the police station. When she got there, she went to talk to the captain of the police station.

Ibuki: Hello! I'm the gal that Re:bel sent.

Police captain: Yes, thank you for coming.

Ibuki: So you have a Nexus problem?

Police captain: We believe so. You see around a week ago, dead body's began to show up. Those people were killed in a strange way. They were completely cut into perfectly symmetrical pieces.

Ibuki: So... Someone or something is turning people into bite size pieces!

Police captain: That's one way of looking at it. The reason we believe it's a Nexus, is because there is nothing even remotely close to us that could house a machine to cut someone like that.

Ibuki: Don't worry! Detective Ibuki is on the case!

Ibuki preformed a pose and then left.


(A few moments before (Y/n) entered the car)

Ibuki had questioned several people in town if they had noticed something strange.

There answers didn't help much. Ibuki then decided to pretend to be a hitchhiker to lure out the being taking people and cutting them in to pieces.

Sadly for her, (Y/n) unknowingly already beat her to the punch.

(Y/n):........... Seems legit.

(Y/n) entered the car.

Once he entered, he saw four more people. A adult woman in the passenger seat, one 7-ish looking boy siting in the right back seat, and a 11-ish looking girl sitting in the back left seat. (Y/n) was sitting in the middle back seat.

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