The land Dow:n under

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3rd person POV.

Artemis, Ren, Ibuki and Ash were driving around in Australia. Ash was driving the car.

Ash: Why are we here again?

Ren: This place is the last known location of the Red re:volution user.

Ash: By last known location, do you mean the area we are in or Australia as a whole?

Ren: Both.

Ash: I see.....

Ibuki: Can we play with some kangaroos while we're here! Please please please!

Artemis: Tch, when we find him and I kick his ass. You can do whatever you want.

Ibuki: Are you still mad that the red guy beat you?

Artemis: He did not beat me! He ran away before the fight could finish, making me the winner!

Ash: Stop being a sore loser.


Ash: Owwwww!

Artemis: Servers you right!

Ash:(pouting) You're so mean....

(Play opening)

(Y/n) was walking through the jungle.

(Y/n): This sucks... Why can't I just transform and use my motorcycle again?

Red: Because, when you transform, you give out a burst of energy that they can track. There probably already in Australia.

(Y/n): Who is They?

Red: Re:bel.

(Y/n):(sarcastically) Oh, that explains everything....

Red:(sigh). There a organization that use re:volution's to combat the monsters.

(Y/n): Why am I avoiding them?

Red: You tell me, I'm just helping you out.

(Y/n):(sigh)... This still sucks!

Red: Oh stop complaining. You're in one of the most unique places in the world.

(Y/n): Ah yes, Australia... A place filled with things trying to kill you. From animals to plants. Truly the best place in the world.

(Y/n): You'd be complaining to if you were real.

Red simply shrugs and disappears.

(Y/n) continues to walk through the jungle.

Meanwhile with the four Re:volution user's. They had stopped momentarily to take a break. As they were about to continue, they get a call from there commander.

Misato:(on earpieces) Do you copy team?

Ibuki: Loud and clear commander!

Misato:(on earpieces) Good. I've just reserved new that a Nexus has been spotted near your location. Find it and exterminate it.

Ibuki: Roger!

Ibuki jumps into the drivers seat.

Ibuki: Let's go! Vrumm vrumm!

Ash: You're not driving Ibuki!

Ibuki: But I should.

Ash/Artemis/Ren: No!

Red Re:bellionWhere stories live. Discover now