Si:de effects

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3rd person POV.

In the medical wing of Re:bel headquarters, (Y/n) was waking up after he collapsed from using his new overload mode.

(Y/n): Uuuuugggggg.,.......

(Y/n): Everything's sore......

He tried to get up, but immediately felt pain.

(Y/n): Owowowowow!

(Y/n): Okay okay! No standing for a while......

Red: That's obvious.

(Y/n): There you are....... Why does everything hurt?

Red: You literally overloaded yourself.

(Y/n): I guess that would do it..... A little practice should help me use that form.

Red: No no no no. This isn't the case where you get better and better using that form until you master it. You're literally generating more energy then you can hold in that form, that form isn't something you can master.

(Y/n): Form this form that. What are you getting at?

Red: I can't stop you using it. So I'll give you a warning. You can only use that mode for a limited time, once that time is up, you're going to be like you are now, useless.

(Y/n): Tch, last resort. Got it.

The nurse walked into the room and saw (Y/n) awake.


She ran away.

Red: Looks like you scared the nurse....

(Y/n): Serves her right.....

(Play opening)

As (Y/n) was laying down on his bed in the medical wing of the Re:bel headquarters, Misato walked in, and began heading twords (Y/n).

(Y/n): Oh hey Misato.


Misato slapped (Y/n).

(Y/n): Ow! The hell?!

Misato: I tell you to be careful using that boost gear, and what do you do? You immediately overload yourself!

Misato: Do you have any idea how w-


Misato: Ow!

(Y/n): That's what you get for slapping me! And trust me, that literally hurt me more then it did you......


Red: Oh gods.... She's giving you the look.

(Y/n): Tch, you think you can make me apologise with a look?


(Y/n): Tch, you worry too much! I'm fine!


(Y/n): So I went past my limit. Well sorry, that I became stronger, just at the cost of some energy. But I'm fine now, so stop looking at me like that!

Misato:........... Apologise accepted.

(Y/n): Huh? Wait no! That's not what I meant!

Misato:(smiles) Yes it is.

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