Boost fe:ver

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3rd person POV.

In the headquarters of Re:bel, the four Re:volution users were in the office of there commander.

They were there to report what happened in Washington DC.

Misato: So Philip wasn't at his house?

Artemis: We're pretty sure that we were the first ones, in years to enter the building.

Misato: Did something happen to him, or did he do it himself. Whatever the case is, we need to find him.

Misato: Now, about "Rebellion".

Misato: I hear that he fought a Nexus.

Ren: Yes ma'am. The Red armored target, who is now being called Rebellion, had fought and defeated a Nexus. He escaped just as we arrived.

Misato: It seems like our friend has become a trending topic.

Misato presses a button, and several holographic videos began to play.

A few videos were from the LA battle, some of the Washington DC battle, a few about people discussing who he might be.

Ash: The dude became uber famous!

Artemis: Why is he getting all the attention? We're not chopped liver, we've do way more things to help people!

Misato: Calm down.

Misato: I'm as surprised as you all. I'm surprised that the ones at the top, hadn't taken down these videos.

Ren: They haven't?

Misato: No. And even after he stole the boost gear, they haven't demand for us to take him in. They still want us to convince him to join us. Something is a little suspicious.

Misato: But that isn't something you should all worry about. I have a surprise for all of you.

Misato takes out a briefcase and opens it to reveal Four boost gears.

Misato: Mei managed to finish the rest of them.

The four each take a boost gear.

(Play opening)

A few days passed, the four re:volution users were doing there own thing

Ash was playing videogames. He wasn't doing well, but he was enjoying his time.

Ibuki was listening to music. She was listening to some kind of punk rock techno music hybrid.

Artemis was training, and preparing to eventually use the boost gear.

Ren was studying how the boost gear works and if there are any consequences to using it.

But they were all interupted by the computer giving them a warning.

Computer: Re:volution users, please come to the command room immediately!

They all stopped what they were doing, and made there way to the command room.

Ibuki: So what's the prob?

Misato: Take a look....

Misato points to a few live holographic videos of a monsters.

Misato points to a few live holographic videos of a monsters

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