Evil re:veal

751 24 8

3rd person POV.

Computer: Alert! Alert! Alert! All Re:volution user's please head to the command room, immediately!

In the Re:bel headquarters, a alarm was going off.

Ash: What's going on?

Artemis: Let's go find out.

The four made there way to the command room.

Artemis: Commander! What's going on?

Misato: We're not quite sure.

Misato: We first got a warning from our computers about a massive surge of strange energy coming from the Grand canyon, then we got a signal on the red re:volution user. He's at the location of the energy source.

Ibuki: Why would he be there?

Misato: We don't know. But we have to find out.

Misato: You four are going to the Grand canyon, your mission there is to find out what that energy is, and if it's dangerous, get rid of it. The red re:volution user's not your priority.

Ash/Ibuki/Artemis/Ren: Understood!

Misato: Good. Transform and head out.

(Play opening)

(A few minutes before the energy surge)

(Y/n) had made it to the Grand canyon. It was a beautiful view that he was witnessing.

 It was a beautiful view that he was witnessing

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(Y/n): So this is the Grand canyon.

Red: Yep. Beautiful, isn't it?

(Y/n): Well I don't really have a lot of things to compare this to.

Red: Oh yeah.... Your memories only go to the base in the artic.

(Y/n): It's the most beautiful hole I've seen.

Red: Is that supposed to be a innuendo?

(Y/n): Maybe.....

Red:(chuckles) where to ne-

(Thunder struck)

(Y/n): ?

(Y/n): Weird.

Red; Something's wrong.......

Out of nowhere, the sky became purple. (Y/n) could feel a strange, yet familiar, energy surrounding him.

(Y/n) looked behind him. As he did that, seven black lightning bolts struck the ground, and seven Nexus appeared.

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