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3rd person POV.

In the Re:bel headquarters, (Y/n) and the other four Re:volution users were in the command room.

Misato was telling the group about a Nexus.

Misato: There's a Nexus sighting in Germany.

(Y/n): No problem, I'll take care of it in no time.

Misato: Actually, I want Ash and Ibuki to deal with it. Ren You're gonna be on standby.

(Y/n): Oh come on! What's the point of being here, if you don't send me to fight  the Nexus?

Misato: Sorry, maybe next time. Now get going.

The four salut Misato, and (Y/n) rolls his eyes.


(Y/n): Unbelievable..... So what? Am I just supposed to wait and do nothing.

Red: Kinda.

(Y/n): Oh fuck that. I ain't the type of guy who just waits and does nothing when someone tells him to!

Red: What are you going to do?


(Y/n): Fuck this place. I'm going to Hawaii for a vacation!

Later when Misato entered her apartment.

Misato: (Y/n)! Are you here?

She didn't get a response.

Misato: What are you up to....?

She walks to his room, in hope she gets a clue on where he is.

When he got to go door, she found a piece of paper attached to it.

It said "Went to Hawaii for a vacation, come get me when there is a Nexus problem."

Misato: Damnit (Y/n)......

Misato takes out her phone and called someone.

Misato: Artemis, I'm sending you to Hawaii.

(Play opening)

(Y/n) had arrived at Hawaii, by borrowing Misato's credit card and getting a plane there.

(Y/n): Yes......

(Y/n) instantly loved the place. It was bright and sunny, with not a single cloud to be seen.

When he got to the beach, he saw the beautiful sand, and clear blue water.

(Y/n): Yes.

As he continued to look around, he saw all the gorgeous women in be bikinis.

(Y/n): This is definitely my type of place.

He began walking twords a group of girls.

Artemis: Hello there.

(Y/n): Hell-

He saw Artemis leaning against a tree.

He saw Artemis leaning against a tree

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