Hostile re:veal

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3rd person POV

The four re;volution users and Misato were watching a news story about Ren's fight against (Y/n).

Reporter: Why did Re:bel attack Rebellion? He has save many lives, and done no harm. What is Re:bel not telling us?

Misato turned off the broadcast.

Misato:(sigh) what a pain.....

Ren: I apologise. This is my fault.

Misato: No, no it's not.

Artemis: Tch, that cowered now has his fans defending him, and dirtying our name.

Ash: Well... They kinda have a point.


Ash: Ow!

Artemis: It doesn't matter if they have a point. We have a job, and we're failing at it because of him.

Misato: I have a nother press conference that I have to go to. I really need to explain what the relationship between us and Rebellion is.....

(Play opening)

Chicago, the windy city. For reasons, this was going to be the place where the interview would take place.

The four re:volution users were patrolling the area, and Misato was in a Re:bel vehicle getting ready.

(Y/n) was at a distance, watching.

(Y/n): Is there a Dark matter reactor here too?

Red: No.

(Y/n): Then why the hell am I here?

Red: The interview. I'm afraid that the Nexus might attack M-.... the Re:bel commander.

(Y/n): Ugh. Fine, I'll save there buts, again.

(Y/n):...... And what's with the giant silver bean?

Red: Not sure....


Artemis: North side clear.

Ren: South side clear.

Ibuki: East side only has pigeons- never mind. All clear.

Ash: West side clear.

Misato was listening to them through her earpiece.

Misato: Good. I better get this over with.

Misato walked to the podium, and the Press conference began.

Cameras were filming and broadcasting to the world. Reporters began raising there hand, in hopes of getting Misato's attention, so they could ask there questions.

Reporter: Miss Redgrave! Why did one of your people attack Red Rebellion?

Misato: Red Rebellion, is not part of our organization. He's a rouge third party. Every time we face him, we always ask him to come in peacefully, but because he always refuses, we are force to use a more hands on approach.

Reporter2: Do you know who he really is?

Misato: We do not.

Reporter3: Why is Re:bel trying to take him in? Has he done anything wrong?

Misato: He's not authorized to use a Re:volution, especially one that isn't registered as one of ours.

Reporter4: Do you think that Red Rebellion is a menace?

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