The Sear:ch begins

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3rd person POV.

(Y/n) was in a forest, laying on top of a tree branch.

(Y/n): Where should we head to next? Maybe Brazil? Does Brazil have one of those dark something reactors?

Red: No.....

Red: Listen, now that you've revealed who you are to the world, it going to be much harder to get around.

Red: Especially now that Misato knows what you look like.

(Y/n): Who?

Red: The Re:bel commander.

(Y/n): The chick with the red jacket? How do you know her name?

Red: Well..... She looks like a Misato.

(Y/n): .......... Okay....

Red: To get back on subject.....

Red: We need to find someone.

(Y/n): Who?

Red: His name is Phillip Cyclone. He should be able to help you.

(Y/n): Okay..... Where can I find him?

Red: I don't know.

(Y/n): Then how am I going to find him?!

Red: I may not know where he is, but I know someone who might have a clue.

(Y/n): Where is this person?

Red: They should be in France.

(Y/n): (sigh)

(Y/n): Whatever, I could go for a swim.

(Play opening)

Paris, France.

(Y/n) had arrived at the city, and began to look around.

Everyone was dressed really nicely. But (Y/n) didn't care, he simply looked at all the wonderful shops that sold food.

(Y/n): Do you think that they give out free samples?

Red: How should I know?

(Y/n): You seem to know a lot of things that I don't.

Red: I'll explain how I know all these things one day. Just focus on the mission.

(Y/n): Whatever dad...



After many hours of wondering around, climbing the Eiffel tower, falling off the Eiffel tower, and wondering some more. (Y/n) still couldn't find the person he was supposed to find.

(Y/n): So in the past 12 hours, I've made zero progress.

(Y/n): Where exactly is this person?

Red: I know they live in Paris. She has long blonde hair.

(Y/n): A exact location would be nice.

Red: I have nothing.

(Y/n): I'm going to find a place to sleep....

(Y/n) climbed on to a roof, and decided to take a nap on the roof.


Red: (Y/n).

Red Re:bellionWhere stories live. Discover now