Chapter 12: Blood In, Blood Out

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A/N: Love You More by Eminem is the song playing later on in the chapter. Prepare yourselves.

TW: Mention of rape


June 10th, 2006
Saturday, 5:08pm - Coral Gables, Miami, Florida

Last night Luca promised he'd talk more in depth with Camila-about the events that took place-in the afternoon before they'd meet up with Lauren. Getting information on what Camila was doing with Lauren and then setting up her death was top priority on his list a few hours ago. Having a conversation about why Camila was doing what she was doing and questioning her sexual orientation was for now. Camila went with the story she told Santiago after she accidentally butt-dialed him, and Luca believed it. But what he failed to understand was why Camila was eager to spoil her purity so soon and get involved in a life he knew she absolutely despised. His little sister would rather be in the grace of her Lord and saviour-of God almighty, praising and worshipping, NOT in the presence of sinister hoodlums that didn't belong. Lauren wasn't any of her concern or her job to take care of.

"If you wanted in on the family business this early on, you should've told me. Sabes que odio a los mentirosos, Karla," he said quietly as he took a seat in the pew next to her. They sat alone together in the church, both with heavy minds and heavy hearts for different reasons. Camila kept her mouth shut and her head bowed. Luca held her under his scrutinising gaze and scratched his stubble, pondering what to say next the longer he analysed her body language. "That's what you want, right? Why didn't you tell me that you were interested in taking down Lauren?" (You know I hate liars)

"I didn't know how to tell you. I also didn't want to disappoint you. I knew you never would've approved of my plans," Camila went with what she rehearsed in her head a hundred times. Still, her eyes never met his. "I don't really know what I want, hermano."

"But you wanted to protect me, right? You took a risk like this to protect me?"


"By making Lauren fall in love with you," he put it out there first. After hearing what Lauren said last night and listening to Mariano inform him of everything he witnessed, Luca was convinced that Camila was ashamed of her plan and didn't want to go over it because its theme was homosexual. "May I ask why that plan? Of all things, you wanted her to fall in love with you. Are you not uncomfortable with that?"

"Am I in trouble if I answer that honestly?" Camila turned her head partially, her eyes landing on his arm now. She was working her way up to his face.

"No. I need you to be honest with me. You will not be in trouble unless you lie," Luca assured her.

"Then in that case...I'm not uncomfortable. Number one, I know the quickest and easiest way to control and hurt someone is through love. That's what I was doing with Lauren. She fell for me right away, Luca. For real," Camila felt her stomach tie in knots because of the ill way she spoke about the gang leader. The lies were making her sick. "I didn't know how else to approach it, but just know that she'd do anything for me-which means we have an advantage. Number two," she sighed, "I'm not uncomfortable because I think...I may, um..." Camila laughed nervously then buried her face into her palm. "Gosh, I don't even know how to say this."

"You have to. You need to tell me everything, hermana. Everything. So go ahead and just say it," Luca encouraged. He was suspicious about her confession already. If he was right about his gut feeling, it was a big win for him.

"I'm not gay, Luca. I promise you, I'm not gay, so please don't punish me. I just...I'm not proud of it...but I like girls the way I like boys. I think I might like both," Camila came out and said with her eyes squeezed shut and teeth clenched. She had no choice now, he needed to know. "That's why I'm not uncomfortable. I hate Lauren but I'm not opposed to women. And I'm so sorry-"

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