Chapter 15: Candy Crush

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Camren is a toxic ship in the story. Everything is toxic in its own way, and it's about to get dark and darker and even more dark. It is not to be romanticised or anything of the sort, unless you are into that then whatever. All the cupcakes, exit now. All the psychos, stay and enjoy the show. >:)

Also switching the way I narrate Camila and simply changing it to just 'Candy'.

//TW: degradation, exploitation, abuse


"What do you wanna do to her?"

Candy was dead to Lauren. As far as she was concerned, any ounce of love or adoration for the younger Latina was obliterated. Those two bullets were a reality check; Candy was dead to Lauren and didn't give a single fuck about her. If she had it in her to look Lauren in the eye and pull the trigger with the intent to kill her—to erase whatever they had and forget all the good that Lauren has done for her—then why should Lauren care about whatever was happening to Candy in that room right now? She no longer felt the need to protect and save her. All the green eyed girl wanted was for her to suffer the way she was.

Sugar's two men walked around Candy, sizing her up and teasing her just to get a rise out of her and fuck with her head. They pushed her around and swatted the back of her head before they eventually pulled the blindfold off and ripped the tape off her mouth. She screamed—boy, did she scream. Candy clenched and unclenched her fists while her wrists were restrained on the armrests, secured tightly with leather cuffs. Her mascara ran down her cheeks, blending in with the river of tears that stained like a botched painted picture; she trembled and her lips quivered from what was probably the cool temperature in the room or the fear and panic.

Lauren got a good look at her through the camera and also noticed a bleeding cut at the bottom corner of her lips. One of the guys must've taken a jab at her or something. Oh how Lauren wished she were at least one of them so she could have her go at Candy.

"Get me on a phone with her. I want her to hear my voice and know that this is me," Lauren finally responded after going over the possibilities of torture silently in her head.

"You want to actually speak to her instead of staying undiscovered?" asked Sugar. This was a favour but this was also a test to see if Lauren would continue letting her feelings dictate her actions. Looks like this was going to be an unfortunate disappointment.

"She needs to know," Lauren grit her teeth.

"Does she?" Sugar swung on her chair, pursed lips and furrowed brows.

"I prefer it this way. Are you gonna let me talk to her or not? It won't be satisfying unless she knows I'm behind her suffering. You bringing me here would be pointless," Lauren argued. She looked at Sugar with a cold fire burning in her eyes and nostrils flaring on and off. It was clear as day that Lauren was thirsty for blood; just like a Shark in the ocean who hasn't eaten for days and smells the familiar metallic scent, she had to satisfy that hunger.

"Huh. I wouldn't exactly say it'd be pointless. You know, you should probably think about your words and choose them wisely before you use em'."

"They're just words. They don't mean anything."

"They mean everything. Words are like seeds; they take root in us as they grow, and if you aren't careful about what you're growing then you are careless and lost, Lauren. You can't eat the fruit of your own words if they're poisonous to you. Remember that."

"Look, are you going to make the call or not?" Lauren's patience was wearing thin.

A side smirk formed on Sugar's lips and she silently chuckled, huffing out air through her nose. She shook her head as she reached into her shirt and took the cell phone out from her bra. Before handing it to Lauren, Sugar dialed the number to the capo standing in the room and waited for him to answer so she could give him the order. The capo wouldn't take Lauren's orders unless Sugar said so.

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