Chapter 29: Rome Wasn't Built In A Day

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A/N: To those asking me when this book will end, it's not ending anytime soon. It's a long story and Camren is a slow burn. I don't wanna rush developing their relationship or the characters, so bear with me.

The prison riot chapter is right around the corner. Then after that...? FREEDOM.


September 13th, 2006
Wednesday, 3:43pm - South Bay Correctional Facility

"Keep denying her transfer request. Do everything you can to keep her in here. She's not going anywhere," said Lauren, getting ready to do some sit-ups out on the yard.

Sugar took her hands out of her pocket to secretly give a tiny baggy of cocaine to one of the addicted inmates, gazing out at the watch towers guarding the yard. The inmate went on their way but Sugar stood in place, scoping out the area for anything suspicious happening right under her nose or for stalking inmates who couldn't mind their own business. She heard everything Lauren was saying and snorted, shaking her head.

"I don't know why you didn't just kiss her and help boost your plan to fuck her over. Missed opportunity right there."

"I don't care...I'm not...cheating...on...Aleesia," Lauren strained whenever she came up, her abdomen hurting a little more each time. She did a couple of more before stopping to give herself a break, palms digging into the sandy ground. "I'll find another way to succeed but I'm not gonna cheat. I already fucked up once, no way am I doing it again."

"But there are no real feelings for her. It's just business, so how is that cheating?" Sugar questioned, glancing down at Lauren. "Do you think that strippers who have a boyfriend or are married cheat on their partners when they give lap dances and rub up on other people? When they do whatever their job requires them to do but without any real emotion because selling an act gets them paid?"

"Are you saying I'm a stripper?" Lauren's brows furrowed.

"I'm saying you and Aleesia could learn a lot from a stripper and her significant other. It's just business, nothing personal. Kiss Candy, continue with the plan, and Aleesia is just gonna have to deal with it."

Lauren got off her ass and dusted off her blue pants. She stood beneath the pull-up bar and stalled a bit. "Strippers don't dance for former lovers. I'm pretty sure the boyfriend or husband would have definitely considered that cheating. I'm already making plans with Aleesia to move to East L.A. and I'm serious about it. I can't afford to lose her all because I was willing to do anything in the world to get revenge."

"East L.A., huh?" Sugar squinted, lips forming an amusing smile. "That's a pretty big step. A drastic change, even. I'll be in Miami all alone with nobody I trust other than Scaletta. Is the pussy that good that you've decided you're ready to walk away from the partnership and territories you own here? Your home?"

"It's more than just pussy, Lovelace. Aleesia is my home, it doesn't matter where we go. I just wanna be with her. And after what happened to her, I need to get out and start over with her somewhere else. I can't risk something horrible happening to her, and I have too many enemies here that increase that chance," Lauren said then smiled faintly. "But when I get out of here, there will still be members of Los Carnales around representing me. And I'll still do business with you from L.A. if I don't decide to leave this lifestyle for good. You can't get rid of me."

"I hope not," she and Lauren shared a short-lasting halfhearted laugh before the green eyed girl started doing quick pull-ups, lifting herself up with ease. Sugar pushed back the sunglasses on the top of her head and leaned against the pole, still watching the yard but also watching Lauren. "So what happens in Los Angeles? You move her out there with you...then what? Excuse me for saying this but I think you're just in the honeymoon phase. You and her are still so young, there's more opportunities to find and different people to meet. I wouldn't settle down too fast if I were you."

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