Chapter 16: Divided

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**TW: racist remarks, sexual harassment.



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"Nobody here touched Candy. Let's start there," Normani addressed Luca without fear.

Luca ditched his glock and equipped a pocket knife. He gripped it tightly in his hand as he paced back in forth in between aimed guns from both sides. The atmosphere was thick and beyond intense; the room already smelled like death without anyone dying just yet—not a single stomach was clear of knots or butterflies. Estrabao Cartel could slaughter Aleesia, Normani, and Ariel right now if they wanted to without any one of their guys getting killed simply because they'd be dead before EC's guns could fire. But first, one of the three were going to talk. Second, someone was going to get cut and bruised then let go. Third, one was going to get that same treatment only they'd die instead of being set free.

"If neither of you touched my sister, one of you ordered it. And all three of you have motives," Luca sneered. He squinted then pointed the tip of the sharp blade at Aleesia, "Especially you, you fucking harlot. I wouldn't trust a single word you tell me. Maybe I'll skip the interrogations and take you out to call it even."

"Nah, you're not touching her," Ariel tightened his grip around his gun and locked his jaw. He had to be ready to die for Aleesia because she was Lauren's girl and he had to protect her and keep her alive above anything. If Lauren learned that she died on his watch, God only knows what she'd do to him.

"Oh yeah?" Luca cocked an eyebrow and stroked his growing beard, suppressing the smirk creeping on his lips. Perhaps he'd have a little fun with Ariel as well. He walked up to Ariel and sized him up, facing the barrel of the gun without fear—as if it were simply a water gun.

"Yeah," replied Ariel.

"And who are you to give me orders?"

"Your daddy, bitch."

Like gas to a flame, Luca exploded and smacked the gun out of Ariel's hand before slicing his cheek and punching him in the face. Ariel's head knocked back and his hand flew to his now bleeding nose and cheek, covering it as he recovered from the blow. Normani stepped up but Joaquin held his assault rifle to her head and so did Dinah, trapping her in place. Still, she didn't put her gun down. Aleesia remained behind them—panicking, although she did her best to not show it. Ariel swung his fist but missed and ended up suffering brutal blows to the gut by Luca. He tossed Ariel aside, causing him to stumble right into Tommy's direction which also led to Tommy whacking him across the face with his heavy assault rifle. Tommy kept the gun pointed in his face with the safety off and his finger on the trigger. As soon as Luca gave the word, Ariel's brains would be blown out.

"That was a mistake," Luca said calmy as he paced around the small apartment. "My father is the one in heaven, not some ching chong lowlife motherfucker with a big mouth. Now. If we could all cooperate and stop wasting my precious time, tell me who did this to my sister so this could be over with."

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