The Moon is Falling part 4

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Doc climbed down the scaffolding, as it was getting dark. But then when he heard a sound, he froze. He had been so paranoid recently, he thought every sound was a greyskin hunting him down. Getting his trident out, he scanned his surroundings. Suddenly, he spotted something orange through a nearby boosh. Throwing his trident, a player-like fox jumped out with a yelp.

Letting the trident return to his hand, he held up his trident and stared at the fox threateningly. "Who are you?"
The fox eyed his trident nervously. "I'm Tizztom, or just Tizz."
Doc watched him suspiciously. "How did you - oh wait, you came through the infinity portal, didn't you."
"Wha-what? Oh, yeah. That." Suddenly, Doc felt a weight on his back as he was knocked forward. Foxy stood above him triumphantly, pinning him down. "Tizz, are you okay?"
"I'm fine, I could have dealt with him myself! You didn't need to attack him!"
"Oh, but he was aiming his trident at you though."
Tizz rolled his eyes, offering his hand to the doctor. "Sorry about my friends." Doc took his hand cautiously, examining the other two.
"Who are these?"
"That's FoxyNoTail, and that's Rogue Fox."
"Did 3 player foxes just come out of my portal because of Hans and Frans?"
"Who are Hans and Frans?"
"My foxes."
"Oh. I don't think so." Tizz looked around. "So why isn't the moon broken?"
"What? Why would the moon be broken?"
"Where we came from, the moon was broken."
"I don't know dude, maybe you came from an alternate world or something? Anyways, I'm Doc."

(Grian: I'll just put Cool's note here like normal, except this time we can reply to her commentary.)
(I'm sure those 2 can get very comfortable together. Xisuma wouldn't get too jealous. Right?)
(X: No, I don't see myself as getting jealous, I don't think.)


"I think this is it." Silent called, pointing to a certain portal.
"I sure hope it is," Zloy grumbled. "I'm getting bored of searching for ZombieCleo's base."

"Woah, that's interesting! Look at those armor stands!"
"Yeah, this is definitely ZombieCleo's base. But where is the zombie herself?"
"I'm pretty sure she's a human right now because of the Demise game thing."
"I have a plan."
"What is it?"
"We don't have a plan."
"... nevermind. Let's sit here and wait for her to come back."
"Yeah, we can gather resources while we wait."
"Okay, but only because I don't have a better solution."

(I was stuck here originally because Cleo made her demise base. But then she released her newest episode, as if she sensed my troubles. So now I can make her arrive at her pirate ship logically!)
(Grian: Oh right, the original universe of Hermitcraft, where all these AUs are inspired from. Cool's trying to be as accurate to the current events as possible, but as she prewrites in portions, things are constantly changing and it's hard to keep up.)

"Okay who are you and why are you here." Cleo demanded, watching the two strangers suspiciously.
Zloy shrugged. Silent laughed and said, "You were the only one Zloy trusted enough to ask for help."
"Help? Why me?"
"Because you're a zombie just like him. At least, you were."
"How do you know that?"
"It looked like that on the demise board."
"Okay? What do you need?"
"Do you think you could help us convince Doc to help us get home?"
"O-oh, I'm not really that close to Doc, but I could show you where to find him, if you need."
"Oh. Well, that would help too."


"I am NOT babysitting you three. I know you're unfamiliar with this area, but I don't have time! Find someone else!" Doc said, shaking his head.
"Please?" Tizz begged, making his best puppy eyes.
"Pretty please?"
"Pretty please with a cherry on top?"
Doc sighed in annoyance. "Fine. You can stay with me. But don't distract me, scare me, or annoy me." Doc sighed as the foxes cheered. "Why did I say yes?" He muttered to himself.
Tizz bounced up and down excitedly, before remembering why he was here. "Oh! So we came here looking for our friends Zloy and Silent. Have you seen a zombie and a zombie pigman around?"
Doc shrugged. "I dunno. I saw a death message from an unknown entity earlier, but didn't really pay attention. I can check the chat."

Looking at his communication device, Doc scrolled through the chat. "There was a death message from a ZloyXP to a drowned, and one from the trap at the shopping district by the name of Silentwhisperer."
Tizz's eyes brightened. "So they are here? Where are they?"
Doc shrugged again. "Again, I don't know." The doctor sighed, sitting back on the bed/sleeping bag. "But you're not allowed to search until the morning."
Tizz groaned but didn't argue, curling up on another bed nearby.
"Hey that's for my villager bre-" Doc stopped as Tizz curled up like a fox, his tail resting in front of his paws/hands. Why did the fox have to be so damn cute?! Doc turned to the other two, trying not to make his blushing obvious. "You two find a bed somewhere and don't bother me. I'm going to sleep."


When Tizz went to sleep, he had nightmares. Everything is gone now. The realization settled on him slowly that everything he had created was now gone, destroyed by the falling moon. And in his sleep he felt tears wet his fur, remembering that nothing would ever be the same again.

Doc couldn't sleep, bothered by the sound of Tizz twisting and turning in his sleep, whimpering. Groaning, Doc walked over to the fox, setting a gentle hand on his head. Instantly the fox stopped moving. But as soon as Doc removed his hand, the fox started moving again. Sighing, Doc walked over to his sleeping bag/bed and dragged it over next to the fox's. "Why do you make me like this," he muttered.

The next morning, Tizz woke up to find the doctor next to him, hand on his tail. Turning incredibly red, Tizz made the sound from Savi's What Does the Fox Say chapter, waking the other up. Both instantly leapt away from each other, blushing. And it had to be this moment that Doc noticed that Tizz was naked.
"Why don't you have any clothes?!"
"I'm a fox, why would I need it?"
"It's uncomfortable to see that!"
"Well I don't have any clothes!"
Doc sighed in exasperation. "Here. A have a spare. It's kinda torn. I know it's not much, but it's better than no clothes." He handed the fox a tattered white lab coat, his face red. And why did his coat seem to look so good on the fox?

(Doc: Is Cool really shipping me with...? It must have been that Savi girl's idea... and Cool is requesting fanart of Tizz wearing Doc's lab coat? And possibly with some sort of caption.)


Lyarrah inspected the hole, peering down to check if it was safe. "Tizz? Foxy? Rogue?" she called down while the others waited nervously behind her. "I think it's safe," she said, jumping down the hole. They found themselves in a broken down lab. Events repeated - except this time, no one went through the portal. If 5 of their friends had disappeared through it without a trace, no one wanted to take a risk. "So what do we do now?"
"I'm... not sure. I think we should inspect the portal."
"But we've lost Silent and Foxy, the two who are most likely to know what's going on!"
"We just have to try."
Jessie sighed in frustration. "I TOLD YOU the moon was a big problem! But you didn't listen! And guess what, now 5 of us have gone through a portal to who knows where because you guys didn't think it was a problem! This whole time, you've just been arguing about what currency we should use and ignoring the moon!"
"Okay, okay. Stop ranting. We should have been worrying about the moon from the start, I know."
Killadrone huffed. "I say we leave. There's nothing we can do about it - and I didn't like mas- Silent and Zloy anyway."
(C00L L1K3D DR0PP1NG B1+$ 0F L0R3 1N H3R $+0R13$.)
"But Foxy is our admin, and the others are our friends. We need them to be able to fix this. Besides, we'd probably be forever plagued by guilt."
Killa tilted his head, his screen displaying a question mark. "What's guilt?"
"We'll teach you that later. Right now, we need a plan."

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