Checkmate part 2

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But it was perfect. With an endless loop, it would be for the better anyway. And it was what they were born to do. So they prepared themselves. 5 hermits prepared for their mission. They prepared to break the loop. Portalverse Tango, Grian, Scar, Joe, and Stress waited for the world to reach it's beginning point first. 1 hour before CM (checkmate) Scar visited the G-Team base and saw them make the first moves.

PV Scar flew over the field, landing in the shadows of G-Team's base. It was time.


Scar sighed as he added the final touch to the deadly trap Cub asked him to plant. He didn't like getting involved, but didn't want to disappoint his friend. Jumping out of the hole, he looked up. Night time. He didn't feel like returning to ConCorp yet, but he wanted to talk to someone...

Scar arrived at the G team base and knocked on the - his hand froze a centimeter before the door. He could have sworn he saw a silhouette. Doing this sent a tingle down his spine, as if stopping just caused the biggest change in the server. But it felt right. CM Scar cautiosly stepped toward where he saw the silhouette, but was startled by a voice that sounded much like his own.

"Scar." he turned around, but no one was there. "Do you wish for a change?"

CM Scar was startled by the question, but couldn't help but answer it. "Yes."

"Then you should do what I say, okay?"


"You'll understand later. Simply fly away from the battle, okay? Hide for a bit." "But then Cub will -"

"No one will notice you're missing, don't worry."

"Why should I trust you?"

"How could I do anything to hurt you?" "This could be a trap..."

"Please, just take my word for it."

"... fine..."

CM Scar then flew away into the night sky. Stepping out from the shadows, PV Scar sighed in relief. "Whew. That could have gone wrong in a lot of different ways."

"Are you done convincing CM Scar to leave, luv?" PV Stress stood outside the main entrance. PV Scar nodded, and then they walked into the building together. They were going to make a change, but PV Scar didn't feel like returning to ConCorp territory when he didn't know what it would be like. But CM Scar wasn't the only one to feel that tingle.

CM Cub blinked, watching the footage from the drones. "There's two of them?"


The next day, PV Scar woke up in an unfamiliar bed. He panicked before remembering what happened the night before. Sighing, he got out of his room in ConCorp and opened to door to be greeted by CM Cub. "O-oh hey Cub," Scar said, surprised. Cub nodded in greeting, but Scar felt like something was wrong with him. Why is he acting so weird?​ Scar wondered as he took a bite out of some cake. He tried to act normal, but couldn't shake off the feeling of Cub's stare. He left quickly.

PV Scar met up with the rest of his Portalverse friends to discuss how to stop the fighting. Joe gave a whole speech on the different possibilities. He said that they could scare the CM hermits into not wanting to fight, or make them be friendlier with each other. There were so many possibilities, but there was one problem. They didn't know what to do. (This is because the PV hermits are linked with my soul, so when I get writer's block, they don't know what to do.)

"We should ——" Tango suggested. The others nodded in agreement. "Alright, let's get ready."


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