chapter 1 ( tear )

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I sobbed, glaring at him.

He stood there, pointing at me while he burst out in laughter. " LOOK AT HER! SHE'S SO FAT, AND UGLY AND DISGUSTING! SHE'S NOTHING COMPARED TO THIS FACE! " He said, while he gestured everyone to look at his face.

I looked down while tears fell from my eyes. I couldn't look at anybody other than to stare at the cold hard ground pathetically.

" Knock it off! Knock it off! " Mr Yang stomped into the crowd. " SHOO!" he waved his hand around, telling everybody to leave me alone but no one listened. All they did was took a small step back. Some were still laughing and some were whispering to each other. I bet they were all talking about ME.

" We can talk this out. Are you okay, y/n?"  Mr Yang walked over to me but I stood up immediately. " I don't wanna hear a word from anyone... I DON'T WANT TO LIVE ANYMORE." I couldn't hold it in. I screamed at the top of my lungs. "stupid humans... Stupid humans... Especially Kim Seokjin. " I thought to myself, trembling with anger.

He's the one... That made my life so much worse. He... Deserve.... This. I stomped towards him, grabbed his collar and swung my fist on his "worldwide handsome" face. (I'm sorry Jin I love you you're indeed worldwide handsome)

" YAH!! MY EYE! " he fell to the ground and groaned in pain, covering his eye with one hand. I laughed, feeling all the hate and anger evolving around me. " y/n no!" Mr Yang shouted but I grabbed my bag, and ran out of the school.

I ran as fast as possible. My feet started to turn sore but I don't care. It's just muscle cramps. That's it. Nothing compared to my bleeding, shattered heart. "why me..? What did I do to deserve all this hate?" I mumbled to myself. There was so many more things I wanted to do to Seokjin earlier. I want to punch him even more, kick him, made him feel the way I do. I don't care if he cries. So what? That's exactly what he did to me. Why should I spare mercy???

I would want to spit on him.
I would want to slap the shit out of him.
I would want to make him cry and beg on his knees for me to stop.
This is not me.
What have I become?
When did I become so heartless?
So cruel?
So evil...?
I stopped running.

Dark clouds formed in the sky, and I felt like everyone is against me. Even God...

Then it started pouring, which instantly put out the fire in me. I fell to my knees, feeling the rain fall one by one on me. I decided it's time to ball my eyes out. To let everything go..
I cried and cried in this deserted place. Everything feels so much better when you let it go...

The rain began to pour, heavier and heavier. It was a warm rain, and it looked gray as it came down from the sky. I imagined it to be liquid armor, shaping itself to my body where it made contact, shielding me from everything.

If anyone walk past me at this point, they wouldn't be able to tell whether I'm crying or its just rain water on my face. They'll probably just think I'm crazy.

I want to become stronger.
I want to stop this nonsense at school.
I want to become more confident,
And open.
It is time to change myself,
For the better.


I'm sorry if my story is bad... It's been a long time since I write. I'm sorry if my English sucks too. Please correct me if I made a mistake (bet I've made ALOT) hahahaha anyway thank you so much for taking your time to read until the end! I really appreciate it.
I'll continue to story... Soon! :)

Shoutout to : Pandachooplayer 🐼 CHECK OUT HER STORIES HAHAHA

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