chapter 14 (love)

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" you're so beautiful, y/n." Seokjin said, the light shining on him, his brown eyes and skin glowing underneath the rays.

This is the time I finally get to see every feature on his face properly. His eyebrows may be thick and bold, but they're definitely symmetrical and they suit him. His eyes are huge and his monolids falls downwards with a slight resemblance to a cat's eye. He also has aegyo sal on his eyes, making his eyes look even more beautiful. He has a strong jawline, but soft and plumpy pink lips. His skin is also FLAWLESS and glowy, and his nose bridge is really high, which is what makes him look like a work of art. Seokjin is a pure angel, and his features are just so ethereal it's crazy.

He inches closer to me, his slim fingers caressing my cheeks, I tilt my head, leaning towards him, his perfume again, smelling like flowers and the quiet grass at night.

His lips brushed against mine, so softly and delicately like a feather. I couldn't move away. His lips were calling for mine. I just want to smash my lips onto his right now. At that moment, our lips met. His lips felt cold but really soft. It felt almost like a dream... I was so desperate to kiss him more but he pulled away immediately as the teacher walked past the both of us. My face was hot. Really hot.

" God I love you. " he said, and I sat there, still trying to think straight.
" look at me, y/n." I did as I was told and he lifted my chin gently. " you're a beautiful girl and no one can ever replace you. Do you hear me? " he said, and tears began falling from my eyes. He leaned towards me, hugging me tightly. " sorry for what I've done to you in the past, I'll make sure I'll become a better person and take care of you forever. I promise. " he said, and I hugged him back, sobbing quietly. I was feeling strong again. I was no longer insecure about myself. Seokjin have changed my life and the way I view myself. He has taught me to love myself.


We got out of the plane, and got into the bus, making our way to jeju island. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened in the plane earlier.

" hello? Y/n!" Eunha called out, startling me. " I'm sorry... What were you saying? " I asked. She sighed. " you weren't listening were you? Now I have to repeat myself. " she pouted.
" I'm sorry! I was thinking about something else... "

"what is it? " she asked. " is it about Seokjin?" her eyes gleamed as she mentioned his name.

" come here. " I said, and whispered into her ears.

" He kissed me. "

Eunha eyes grew as huge as a tennis ball. " OH MY GOD-"

"SHHHH!! " I said, placing my finger over my lips. " did he r-really? D-did that? " I nodded. " I shouldn't have slept! Ugh I could've took a video of it. Sowon missed it too. Yah unnie-" We looked over to Sowon, still snoring deeply. " ..... Oh well. " Eunha shrugged and turned back to me. " Is he a good kisser?! " She asked. I smiled shyly. " hmm... His lips were so soft. " I said, thinking about it. " so. Fucking. Soft.... " Eunha gasped, and started squealing around. I giggled at her actions, my mind still filling with memories of Kim Seokjin.

-Jeju island-

We got onto the beach at jeju island, and our classmates started running around the sand.

" WAH UNNIE LOOK! THERE ARE SO MANY BABY CRABS! " Eunha shouted, and Sowon carefully picked up one of the baby crabs, letting it crawl in her hands. " it's adorable! " I said, picking up another one. "hello little one. " I said to the crab, smiling as it stayed on my palm, and I stroked it with my pinkie, and gently put it back down on the sand. The little crab made it way further into the sand, digging a small hole. I took a video of it, and post it on my Instagram story.

" Guys gather up! " The teacher said, whistling. All of us do as we were told. " I'll pass down the hotel pass to each pair, and you guys will share a room. " he said and walked to us, passing each pair a card.

" Thank you. " Eunha said as she took the card from him.

"Once you guys receive it you can go to your room and unpack your things, but make sure to meet at the swimming pool outside by... " he looked at his watch. " 7:30!"

"Let's go! " Eunha said, and pulled Sowon and I with her. She ran faster and faster, and both of us screamed. " SLOW DOWN EUNHA " Sowon shouted. " IM SURPRISED YOU CAN RUN FAST WITH THOSE SHORT LEGS! " Eunha glared at Sowon and Sowon started laughing. " you are so mean! " she said and pouted.

" Room 101. What a nice number! " I said. I tap the card, and looked over to the both of them smiling. " after youuu " I said, signaling them to go in first. " thank you. " Eunha said, bowing as if she was a princess. " and you, Sowon. " "thank you, gentlewoman." I laughed at her words. I stepped into the room, about to close the door but a familiar voice immediately caught my attention.

" Why is it room 102, I wish we've gotten room 101!"

Wait. That's... Seokjin's voice.
I peeked my head out of the door, and saw him standing there, 8 feet away from me. Our gaze met, before the both of us closed the door.

" SEOKJIN IS STAYING IN THE ROOM NEXT DOOR! " I shouted, jumping up and down happily. " AAAAAAAA " Sowon and Eunha squealed and slammed open the door, running out of the room. " Y-YAH WHAT ARE YOU 2 DOING? " I shouted as the both of them knocked on room 102.
I immediately pulled them away.
" NONO LETS NOT DISTURB THEM.. " I said and they laughed at my reaction.

We got back to our own room, and we sat on the floor, unpacking our own stuff. " you two are destined. " Eunha said out of the blue, making me blush again. " I need to look good... " I said and walked infront of the mirror.

" for him. "

I continued, looking at myself.

" you already look amazing, y/n. " Sowon said and joined me, checking out herself at the mirror. She's like 20 cm taller than me... Eunha joined in as well, and started whining when she saw a pimple on her forehead

" UGH ANOTHER PIMPLE! " she said, trying to squeeze her pimple. " don't do that.. Just put some pimple cream and cover it with your bangs. " Sowon said. " ugh look at me I got skeleton legs. " " I have elephant thighs! " I shook my head and waved my hands. "nono.. We are all beautiful the way we are.. " I said. They turned to look at me.

" and that is why you have to agree with me that you already look amazing, and that Seokjin would still love the way you are... " Eunha said, and it instantly brought me back to the scene in the plane earlier...

" God I love you. " Seokjin's voice echoed in my head. That's right. He will still love me no matter what. The question is, do I love him? If so, do I love him as a friend or...
a lover?

𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐌𝐄?! ✓ || ksj x reader ♡Where stories live. Discover now