chapter 10 (awkward moment)

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" Aish whatever happened earlier was RIDICULOUS! " Seokjin said as the both of us walked out of class.

" I know right, I wasn't expecting him to say that either. " I said.

" Hey. Is it me or are you getting slimmer? " Seokjin said, looking at me.

" R-really? " I asked, looking at my body.

" Yeah.. "

"I guess it's because of exam stress. Haha! " I said.

" Do you even have stress? You can ace a paper with flying colours without studying for it. " 

" Says who?! I study for my papers okay??? " I said, nudging him.

" Okay... " Seokjin said, putting his hands into his pocket.

" Look! Jungkook! " I pointed at the boy with curly hair. He's with someone else. " Who's that pale dude beside him? " I said, squinting my eyes at the stranger.

" That's Yoongi. Omg, Y/n–pale dude? I– " Seokjin responded, staring at the both of them.

" YAAAAAHHH! ITS ME. KIM SEOKJIN! " he shouted, and both of them look over to us. They walked towards us, and I stared at the other guy's whose face was getting clearer the closer he walked toward us. He had a cold expression on his face, like a " fuck off. You're irritating me " kind of face.

" Sup Seokjin. " he said, and turned to look at me. He eyed me up and down, and looked back at Seokjin.

Something about him sent a cold shiver down my spine. But geez, what is up with all these good looking people? They're really out here blessing my eyes.

" Are you still an asshole? " he asked, looking at Seokjin. His voice is deep, and he seems like a really chill guy.

" Not anymore, I guess. " Seokjin said, smiling.

" Well then that's great. Welcome back, Jin. " Yoongi said and punched his shoulder lightly, smirking at him.

" You're still the same aren't you?" Seokjin said, placing his hand on his shoulder. Yoongi chuckled, and looked back at me.

" Who's this chic here? "

" Uh... I'm..." I mumbled, unable to string my words together.

"She's my friend. Haha. Our friend, actually. " Seokjin said, signaling Jungkook to say something.

" She's y/n. The one I told you about... "

"Oh. Well then it's nice to see you. " he said to me, waving. I waved back, still feeling a little afraid of him.

" So exams are over, and the results are here. Where should we go? " Seokjin asked.

" Hmm.. The mall? " Jungkook said.

" Tch. Who goes to the mall nowadays? " Yoongi asked, chuckling.

Erm. Excuse me sir? I still go to the mall... I wanted to tell him that, but I guess I'll keep quiet for now.

" Why is y/n so quiet? Is she always this shy around new people? " Jungkook asked.

" I like it. It's cute. " Seokjin said and I stared right at him.

" Sooo y/n... What do you like to do during your free time?" Yoongi asked.

" uhhh.... " shit. I have no idea. My hands started to turn cold. Introverts things.

" Sleep? And eat? I guess... "

" You sound like a boring person. " Yoongi said and I gulped. " Just like me! " he said, unexpectedly. I looked at him, confused by his sudden change in expression. He's now smiling at me, showing his gummy smile. That's the cutest gummy smile I've ever seen not gonna lie. "I love sleeping too. " Yoongi said while smiling.

𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐌𝐄?! ✓ || ksj x reader ♡Where stories live. Discover now