chapter 16 (why we aren't friends anymore)

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I sniffed, feeling my eyes getting hotter.

I could have died.

The razor could have cut me in the neck. Who could be so heartless? How could someone hate me this much?

" Pass that to me. " Seokjin said in a serious tone, and I carefully placed it on his palm. " ... That fucking bitch. " Seokjin said, grabbing the razor and I gasped.

" NO SEOKJIN DON'T DO THAT! " I screamed, watching dash of red flow down his wrist from his palm.

" Follow me. " he said and grabbed my wrist tightly, pulling me towards Ms Choi. She looked at Seokjin's hand, and covered my mouth.

" Oh my God Seokjin, WHAT HAPPENED?! "

" Jennie threw this at y/n. " Seokjin said, showing her the piece of razor.
" THAT GIRL THREW A FUCKING RAZOR AT Y/N. SHE COULD HAVE KILLED HER! IT WAS LUCKY I SAW SOMETHING FLYING TOWARDS Y/N, SO I THOUGHT IT WAS A ROCK AND I PULLED HER AWAY OR ELSE-.... " Seokjin paused, looking as angry as ever.  " that motherfucker. I got to find her. " Seokjin said and ran off. Ms Choi looked at the razor, still covered in Seokjin's blood. My whole body was cold and pale. I was shaking.

" M-ms Choi... " I mumbled, and she shut her eyes.

" This is going to get her expelled. " she said.


"I've never seen a student, from this school, trying to kill her classmate like this. Y/n, I'm so sorry for not looking after her. I know what kind of person she is and I still put you in a group with her... I'm so sorry... " Ms Choi said, hugging me. " Thank goodness Seokjin saved you... Thank God... " she said, sniffing, and I could hear her nose getting runny.

" I want to find Seokjin. " I said.

" No you can't go alone, y/n. Let me go with you. We need to find Jennie.. " she said, and I nodded, walking away from the beach.

" Where could she be... Omg I still couldn't believe what happened. Are you okay? Are you hurt? " Ms Choi asked, holding up my arm to check if I got cut.

" Nono I'm totally fine... Seokjin protected me. I just... Need some time to breathe.. " I said, and I could hear myself wheezing. I was shocked to the core. Without Seokjin,
I could've..


Ms Choi called Seokjin and Jennie multiple times, but there was no answer. We got to find Seokjin. I don't want him to be in trouble. He must be safe...

" FINE. I WAS THE ONE WHO DID IT. I HATE HER. I HATE HER TO THE POINT I WISH HER DEAD. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW? " Ms Choi and I looked at each other. It's Jennie's voice. We looked to our left, and saw Seokjin, standing in front of Jennie. I trembled, looking at the girl who had just attempted to murder me.

" JENNIE! " Ms Choi shouted, and Jennie gasped, trying to run away but Seokjin pushed her to the wall.

" JENNIE WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? " Ms Choi asked, her voice shaking. Seokjin released his grip on Jennie when he saw me at the corner, feeling terrified. Seokjin hurried towards me, while I took a few steps back, dropping to the ground, shaking in fear.

" It's okay... I'm here. " Seokjin whispered, hugging me tightly. Blood was still dripping out of his hand.
" Seokjin... Your hand... "

"Who cares about my hand? I did it out of anger. All I want is for you to be safe... It's okay, y/n. I'm here.... " He stroked my back with his other hand, while he brought me back to my room.

I tapped the card, and the red light on the door turned green. Seokjin opened it immediately, and I pulled him towards the toilet.

" Your hand is bleeding. That's not okay. " I said, turning on the tap and washing the blood off his palm. He stared at me, eyes softening while I took out a piece of gauze bandage from my bag.

𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐌𝐄?! ✓ || ksj x reader ♡Where stories live. Discover now