chapter 4 (Jungkook's story)

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I woke up and realised it was 3am. Wow the workout made me so sleepy. I wanted to take a nap but ended up sleeping for so long. By the way, why is it so cold?! I then looked out of my window to see rain pouring.

I love the rain. Usually when it gets gloomy, I like to wrap myself in a blanket and lie on the couch with a warm cup of hot chocolate in my hands.

But I know I can't. I'm on a diet. I have to lose this weight.

The thought of having to work out later annoyed me. I can't eat potato chips. I can't eat pizza nor cakes or chocolate chip cookies–all of my comfort food.

I turned on my phone, the brightness of the screen hurting my eyes in the darkness.

I searched up " kpop diets to lose weight " immediately I see results such as the IU diet and Suzy diet. It blows my mind to see the ridiculously small amount of food they ate in order to lose weight.

The IU diet consists of 1 apple for breakfast, 1 sweet potato for lunch, and a protein shake for dinner. That's 5 times lesser compared to what I ate everyday! Is this what it takes to lose weight? I was curious to find out if anyone actually tried this diet, so I searched this diet up on YouTube. Indeed there are actually people trying out the IU's diet! It clearly says " DO NOT TRY THIS DIET " in most of the videos but you know what? I'll do whatever it takes to lose the weight to become beautiful like how society taught me to be.

I watched this girl doing cardio while she's on the IU diet. She lost 2kg in 3 days! IU lost 4 kg in 4 days with this diet!!! I got to try it. I scrolled through the comments to check if anybody else tried the diet as well. Most of the comments are :

" I tried this diet and I almost fainted."
" that's really unhealthy "
" I'm on a diet now wish me luck! "

For some reason, these comments made me even more motivated to lose weight. I know it might sound weird, but many celebrities are underweight. I know that's not healthy at all, but they look good! If everybody in my school strives to be underweight, why should I hesitate to try out this diet, if I can lose up to 1kg PER DAY?!

(that's very stupid for y/n to think that way. We should always take care of our health and not follow the unhealthy eating habits of others. Do what is right for your body. I don't recommend anybody to try out any of those K-pop idol diets. ESPECIALLY THE JIMIN DIET! Many idols fainted on stage because of that. I think we should NEVER follow people blindly. Anyways back to the story!)

I was motivated to try out the IU diet. Well since many people say it's unhealthy, I'll modify it abit!
Breakfast : 1 apple + vegetable salad
Lunch : 1 sweet potato
Dinner : soy milk

This should be good. A happy smile grew on my face. I squirmed around my bed happily, and went back to sleep.

~~~☀ Rise and shine ☀ ~~~
" RINGGGGG " my alarm screamed in my ears. I was already awake before it rang. I shut it off immediately, and jumped out of my bed. I skipped to my toilet and stared in the mirror.
" ITS TIME TO GET OUT OF MY BODY FATS! " I laughed while saying. I brushed my teeth and put on my gym clothes. I munched down my apple and ate my salad before I lay out the gym mat and do a full body workout.

1 minute plank,
Side crunches,
Mountain climbers,
Push ups

I was sweating all over but I did not give up. It was painful at first, but I tried to get use to the pain.
Finally, I was done with the workout. I took a nice warm bath and I felt EXTREMELY HUNGRY afterwards. I glanced at the clock. It's only 10. It's not even lunch time yet...

"Ding! " I looked over to my phone and my heart skipped a beat.


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