LAST CHAPTER. Chapter 26 ( the most beautiful moment in life)

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We spent the whole evening celebrating Seokjin's birthday, and I've never felt happier. These bangtan boys people were CRAZY. They smeared cake icing on each other and danced around my house while filming eat Jin. To be honest, I don't really mind. It's all about the fun, am I right? It's Seokjin's birthday. As long as he's happy, I'm happy.

After the birthday party, all of them helped to clean the house.

" Thank you so much y/n, for organising the party for our son. You're an amazing girl. " Auntie Kim said, and I have her a warm smile.

" These boys helped me a lot as well.. Plus it's Jin's birthday. We wanted the best for him. " I said.

His parents smiled, and Seokjin showed his parents the drawing of him. " Y/n drew this! " He said, and his parents were extremely surprised.

" Wow... That's incredible. " Uncle Kim said to me.

" You're so talented, Y/n... " Seokjung mumbled, staring at the sketch.

" Thank you... " I smiled. " It was nice to meeting you, Y/n! Let's be friends! " Taehyung said, raising up his hand to give me a five. I giggled and go up to him, trying to give him a high five back but I couldn't reach his hand. "Oops. " he said and squat down so little. I placed my hand on his, and when we realized his hand was 2 times the size of mine, all of us broke into laughter.

" Alright, see you next time then! " They said, waving to me.

" LAST LONG WITH SEOKJIN HYUNG!!! " Jimin shouted, waving to me. Seokjin gave me one last peck on my lips, before waving goodbye to me.

" I love you, y/n. Thank you so much for this, for everything. " he said.

" I love you too, Happy 18th birthday!" I said, blowing him a kiss.

" BYE Y/N!!!! " all of them shouted happily. " BYE!!! " I shouted back, waving to them. Seokjin's parents and brother smiled at me, making their way into their car.

Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook. All of them, turned to me and waved for the last time, before they left my doorstop.

I went back into my room, and took a bath, before brushing my teeth and sitting back down on my bed. My phone rang, and I saw a notification from Instagram.

@ksj04.92 mentioned you in a post.
I clicked on it, and saw the photo of me kissing Seokjin, during the second day of our Jeju trip. I smiled, and swiped to the second post. It was our selfie that we took on that day.

Our smiles were brighter than the sun, and the background was filled with autumn trees and yellow gingko leaves that were scattered all over the ground. I liked the post immediately, and read the caption.

" To my beautiful girlfriend, y/n.
Hey y/n, Remember the days we spent at jeju together? You have no idea how happy I was to spent 3 whole entire days with you. You're one of the most special people in my life. Wanna know why? You're selfless. You're caring. You're fragile. You're beautiful, both inside and outside. I wish I could turn back time, and prevent whatever the fuck I was doing to you for the past few months. I was a horrible person. Even though you've forgiven me. I still can't forgive myself for all the shit I've done to you. Today was amazing. Thank you so much for taking your time to plan the party just for me. Also, thank you to everyone who wished me happy birthday and the presents that you guys gave to me. I really appreciate it. Lastly, to all my 6 Bangtan brothers, I love all of you as much as I love y/n so... Thank you for existing. ♡♡♡ "

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