chapter 9 (Exams!)

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I understand whatever Seokjin just went through was devastating, but I do not want his relationship to affect any of his studies. He needs to stay strong and put this matter at a side first. He needs to start studying for his exams.

Seokjin pulled away, from me, as if he had the power to read my mind. He hold my hands, and sniffed. " I need to study. " he said, rubbing his tears away. I smiled at him, happy that he's able to do the right thing. " now isn't the time to care about her. Exams are coming and I have to study. Wanna come with me? " he asked, now looking like a strong and confident man. " yes! " I exclaimed. Seokjin stopped when he realized his phone was ringing. His face lit up when he noticed it was Jungkook.

" Hello? " he answers the call. There was a short silence, and a smile appeared on his face. " We were just about to go study! " he said. When he finally put down his phone, he looked at me and I instantly knew who will be joining us.

When we got to the library, Jungkook was already there. He's wearing a pair of wire framed rounded glasses, while he sat infront of his MacBook, reading through his textbook. (hey it's rhymes!)

How can a person look THIS attractive? Seokjin sat down beside him, and gestured me to sit infront of them. I stared at the both of them, admiring their beautiful faces. Seokjin took out his mother tongue textbook, and started flipping through it. Ok. I should start studying too. I took out the same textbook as Seokjin and started looking at the phrases that I've highlighted throughout the year.

" Wait a minute, " Seokjin glanced over at my textbook. " YOURS IS COLOURFUL AND MINE LOOKS BRAND NEW! " he said, showing me his textbook which looked plain and fresh. I laughed.

" This is why it's better to write down notes during lessons. It'll help you for your  revision. " I said and he immediately moved his chair beside me, asking my permission to share my textbook with him. " Of course. " I said and moved my textbook between us.

" If you 2 need any help , just ask me! " Jungkook placed down his textbook, looking towards the both of us. ( in this ff jin is younger than jungkook how weird ahhahaha) We both nodded.


" AHHHH SO FRUSTRATING! " Seokjin said, placing both of his hands on his forehead.

" It's okay.. It takes time to understand... " I said.

" I don't understand a thing! Why am I so dumbbbb " he groaned, and lay back on his seat, placing my textbook on his face. He started to snore, and Jungkook and I burst into laughter.

" STOP PRETENDING! " I said and laughed, hitting his face with the textbook.

" OW! " Seokjin shouted and sat up.

" Wait. You were actually sleeping? " I asked.

" NO SHIT. "

Oops. LMAO.

" Ok so back to it. " I said in a serious tone and he groaned, looking at the textbook with sleepy eyes.

" YAAAHH THIS IS JUST STUPID WHY MUST WE HAVE.. " he yawned,  and mumbled to finish his sentence. "EXAMS.... "

"Excuse me. Please keep your volume down. " the librarian walked towards us and said. Jungkook and I apologized, while Seokjin eyes were closing again.

" Wake up! " Jungkook patted his table. " Listen to y/n!" He said fiercely. (pretty sure if Jungkook did that in real life Jin would have beaten him up HAHAHAH) Seokjin rubbed his eyes, and started taking out his notebook.

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