chapter 2 ( the unknown number)

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The minute I reached home, I threw my soaking wet bag pack onto the floor and walked into the toilet. I then took my clothes off. I stared into the mirror, naked.

I began turning my body from side to side, cringing at those stretch marks and love handles.

My skin is dry, my dark circles look awful, my belly is huge, my thighs are joined together as if they're in love.

Oh well, I have never love my body. In fact, I hate it. I'm so fat and ugly. Its not my fault I was born with a slower metabolism.

If only I was like the rest...

If only I was skinny enough, because what society taught me is that I have to be skinny to be beautiful.

I got startled at the sound of keys. My mom is back. I quickly closed the door and took a nice, warm shower. I closed my eyes, feeling the warm water running down my body, as if all the pain had evaporated, for now at least. I then began to recall what happened earlier at school.

The bell just rang. School finally ended. Since exam was around the corner, I decided to stay at the library to study for my papers. I hold my textbooks as I proceed to walk towards the school library. I was greeted by the warm smile of the librarian. I returned her with a smile, but it immediately faded when I saw him.

Kim Seokjin, sitting at the corner of the library. I wanted to walk away, but I was stopped by that familiar voice.

" Where are you going? Aren't you gonna study?... Nerd? " Seokjin asked. I ignored him, and quickened my pace to the exit. I opened the heavy glass door with full strength and walked out of the library.

I could hear his footsteps behind me.

My heart began to pound faster and faster against my chest. I started gasping for air but it was too late...

He grabbed my wrist and pinned me to the locker forcefully. He then stared at me with those beautiful hazel eyes of his. Not gonna lie, he's fucking attractive. His features are so prominent, his hair is so soft and fluffy, and he looked even hotter when his hair is swiped to one side, his bangs almost touching his eyelashes. He looked so ethereal, like a fallen angel from heaven. Yet, he's such a devil.

" What. Do. You. Want? " I spat out my words, glaring at that sculpted face of his. " why did you run away after seeing me? " he asked, smirking as I felt my face getting hotter.

" is it because... I'm too handsome for you? " He chuckled and said. I rolled my eyes, although part of me agree that he's the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my life. He frowned at my reaction and snatched one of the textbooks from me.

" GIVE IT BACK! " I screamed as he flipped through it. " wowowow what colourful notes!!! " he said in a sarcastic way. Tears were welling up in my eyes but I tried so hard to hold them back. I don't want to be seen as weak.

" give it back to me. " I said, but he simply smirked and hold up my textbook, tearing off one of the page with my notes written neatly on it.
" No. " he replied, smiling. I clenched my fist tightly and pushed him away as hard as I can but I was nothing compared to him.

" S-STOP! " I screamed as he pulled my hair while I struggled to push him away. We stopped when something fell out of my pocket.

Sanitary pads.

People started to crowd around the both of us. I stared at the pink sanitary pads on the floor, tears flowing down my eyes. " HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA " people started laughing. They pointed at me and looked at one another while they made fun of me. I kept the pads into the bag, rubbing the tears off my face.

𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐌𝐄?! ✓ || ksj x reader ♡Where stories live. Discover now