chapter 19 (flying back)

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It's the last day. We spent the last 2 days screaming, laughing, chatting--creating happy memories together, even though the first day was... Not that great. I wonder where's Jennie... After that incident, I've never seen her again. Her "friends" weren't talking about her either...

Last night, I slept with Sowon and Eunha instead because I was too exhausted. I woke up, fresh in the morning, only to find that Eunha and Sowon were still asleep. Wow. I'm early. I brushed my teeth, took a bath, and put on some skincare products. I'm not putting makeup today since we'll be going to the swim later, at the beach. I wore back my pajamas, and lay down on the bed, not knowing what to do. Oh well. I forgot to bring my swim suit so I'm just gonna wear normal clothes...

Once Eunha and Sowon woke up, they got ready and the 3 of us gathered at the restaurant for our last breakfast, and walked to the beach with the rest of the class. Ms Choi was putting on sunblock and reading a book. Some of our classmates jumped into the pool, and started splashing water everywhere.

" Hello beautiful, where's your swim suit? " Seokjin asked, his face so close to mine, which startled me a little.

" Oh my-" I jumped at that low voice and turned around to look at him. He was bending down so we would be the same height.

" You-you scared me... " I said and looked at him. He straightened his body, and I tilt my head up just to stare at his handsome face.

"Hey how's the weather down there? "he asked, giggling.

" Keep quiet. " I said, punching his arm. He is such a tease. Ugh.

" Y/n! Catch! " Eunha shouted, throwing a donut floatie over to the both of us. If flew over my head, and Seokjin caught it, just like what happened to the volleyball the other day.

" Thank God I'm taller. " Seokjin said. I glared at him, not knowing whether to say thank you or feel offended.  " Let's go. " he said and pulled me, walking over to the coast of the beach. We stood there, staring at the sea, while Seokjin hold the floatie in his hand. It's so nice honestly. Free trip. Free food. Free from school work. Free time to spent with Seokjin.

Whoosshhh... Whooosshhhh... the wave reached the coastline, washing over both of our feet. I picked up a seashell on the sand, placing it in my ear.

" What are you doing? " Seokjin asked, raising an eyebrow. " I signaled him to come closer, and he tilt his head, putting his ear closer to me. I placed the seashell over his ears, and his eyes widened.

" Woah. Sounds like the waves. "

"Exactly. "

He started picking up seashells from the sand, placing them one by one at his ear.

" Look at this one! " I said and held up one that looks like a unicorn's horn.

" Does this have the sound too? "

He said curiously and I placed it at my ear. " Kinda. But it's not really clear. " I said, placing the shell at his ear.

Seokjin threw the floatie on the sand and sat beside it, facing towards me. That's a great view in front of me right there. I have to capture this.

" WAIT. STAY THERE. " I said, taking out my water proof camera. Seokjin chuckled, as if he already knew how handsome he looked.

" Now smile~ " I said and he gave me an adorable smile, and I snapped a photo of him.

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