chapter 20 ( sing with me )

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We were back in our classroom aka prison cell jkjk. Everyone sighed.

" 3 days is not enough teacher... " Mark said. Ms Choi smiled.

" Don't worry. we'll go on more trips next year. Now, I have something really important to tell all of you. Have any of you noticed that Jennie isn't here with us? " Everyone started looking around the classroom for her.
" Oh yea. Did we left her at Jeju? " "Where's Jennie??? "
" I don't care about her anyway. She's such a bitch to y/n. She tried to kill her! " Joshua said out loud and Ms Choi placed her finger on her lips, asking him to keep quiet.
" WHAT? SHE TRIED TO KILL Y/N?" Oh God. I looked away from the class, feeling extremely awkward.
" SILENCE! " Ms Choi shouted, and the whole class kept quiet. She cleared her throat, and opened her mouth to continue.

" Jennie is officially expelled. "

The whole class gasped.
" WHAT?! "
" Okok listen up! So on the first day of our trip at Jeju, when we were playing dodgeball, Jennie attempted a throw a tiny razor at y/n... I DON'T KNOW WHAT WAS THAT GIRL EVEN THINKING!" Ms Choi said, placing her hand on her forehead. " She did not think twice before acting, so she... Attempted to hurt y/n that but thank goodness y/n was saved, by Kim Seokjin. Please give Seokjin a round of applause. " she said, and it seems like it was almost impossible to get those words out of her mouth. I guess nothing like this has ever happened at Nan Hwa High School.

" WOOOOOOO " everyone clapped.

" Wait but why would she do that? " Junghwa asked.
" Because she's a psychopath! " Daehyun shouted. " Nono class listen up... We've no idea why she did that, and we are currently investigating it. " Ms Choi said. I turned to glance at Seokjin, and he was already staring at me. " Don't worry. " he said softly. I nodded. Ms Choi looked at our class that was filled with silence.

" So about the trip... How was it? " she asked and clasped her hands together, lightening the mood.
"Would you want to visit jeju again? " "YEAH! "
" Very good. I'm now done with my job, class is dismissed. " she said and all of us started standing up, pushing our chairs underneath those wooden desks.

" Thank you Ms Choi.. Have a nice day." everyone bowed. " have a nice day class. See you next week! " Ms Choi bowed and everyone started running up towards her, Seokjin and me. They were asking questions about Jennie Kim. My mind was whirling, in a mess. How am I supposed to give an answer?

" Stop bothering her and leave her alone! " Eunha shouted, but no one cared.

" I don't know... I don't knowww " Seokjin mumbled to the group of students around him. " All I know is that she could've killed her! And I'm glad y/n is still with us! " Seokjin shouted. Everyone backed off, looking at the both of us.

" ....But... we wanna know the tea... "

I buried my face in my hands, not knowing what to say.
Finally, I stood up and carried my bag. " She's just upset with me because I'm dating Seokjin. That's it. She hates me to the core. " I said and walked out of the class with Seokjin, Eunha and Sowon.
" They're so annoying. " Eunha said, placing a hand on my shoulder. " It's okay y/n. She's been expelled already. You no longer have to see her. " she said and I forced to give her a smile.

We walked past the principal's office, and Seokjin peeked into the window. " Jennie is inside. " he said, and all of us stopped. " I WANNA SEE! " Eunha shouted. " Shhh. Don't be too loud. " Sowon said. I walked to the principal's office, but the window was above my head. The world was not made for short people, sigh. I tip toed, but still couldn't see anything. I kept jumping, feeling frustrated. I could hear Seokjin's laughter behind me. Suddenly, a strong pair of arms lifted me up, and I could see an older woman beside Jennie, crying. I assume it was her mom, because she looked like an older version of Jennie.

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