chapter 17 ( good night, bbg.)

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That night, I completely forgot about the razor situation. My mind was filled with him. Only him. I couldn't even sleep. Eunha and Sowon were sleeping soundly, but I lay there, eyes opening as wide as an owl. I wonder if Seokjin is still awake. He paired up with Hyunjin, since they are pretty close friends.

I took out my phone, harsh light of the screen wash the living room in a cold glow. I made sure to lower my phone brightness all the way down, before going onto Whatsapp to text Seokjin. I started typing on my keyboard, feeling small vibrations at the tip of my fingers with every letter I tapped on.

Me: u up?

I waited, and waited, but there was no reply. Maybe he already went to sleep. Meh. I shrugged, and put down my phone. I adjusted the thick blanket, and closed my eyes. "ding!" my eyes went wide open. I took my phone out and saw a reply from... SEOKJIN!

Seokjin : mhm ;)
Me: aaaaa
Seokjin : I can't sleep..
Me: me too! Guess why...
Seokjin : is it cuz of Jennie?
Seokjin : it's okay I get that u're still traumatized by her horrible actions
Me: surprisingly no
Me: it's not about her.
Seokjin: Huh? Hmm...
Me: its because of u.
Me: I feel deprived. :(
Me: not sleep deprived, but seokjin deprived.
Seokjin: ...
Seokjin: this is why I love you.
Seokjin: don't worry.
Seokjin: you'll see me soon :)
Me: yeah. Can't wait to see u tmr
Seokjin: not tmr.
Me: Huh?
Seokjin : right.
Seokjin : now.

Omg. Is he gonna come? Where is he going to sleep?! I sat up, and heard 2 knocks on the door. Omg he's being serious about it. I opened, and saw Seokjin outside the door, at 10pm. The lamp outside our room shine down on him, making his brown eyes resemble the colour of honey. He was holding a white animal plushie in his bandage hand, which was just uwu.

" Can't sleep too? " I asked, smiling.

" I can, but you can't, so... It's either I come in, or you come with me. "

"but Hyunjin-"

"he's a deep sleeper. He has been sleeping since 9:30. "

I laughed, and looked down. " I'll come with you, then. I don't want Eunha and Sowon to freak out the next morning. " I said, and Seokjin chuckled softly.

" Sure. You'll shall follow me. " he said and pulled my arm gently. I walked out of the room, closing the door. Both of us were in our pajamas, surprisingly,

The same design.

(imagine y/n and Jin were wearing this)

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(imagine y/n and Jin were wearing this)

Our eyes widened in shock. " Oh
my god. " we both said at the same time.
" wow... " he said, looking down at his pajamas and then back at mine. We both laughed, and I took the plushie from him. " This is so cute!! " I said, squeezing the plushie's face.

" Oh my it even has a red scarf on it! Where did you buy this from? " I asked

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" Oh my it even has a red scarf on it! Where did you buy this from? " I asked. " It's custom made. My dad gave it to me for my birthday last year. I can't sleep without it. " he said, and stroked the plushie like its an actual animal.

" Awh. That's so sweet. I really love the face..." I said, staring at it.

" I created it! I drew it's face and body on a piece of paper and my dad made it into a plushie for me. " he said.

" That's so cool oh my... " I returned the plushie to him. " I wish I was able to afford a custom made plushie. " I mumbled.

He opened the door of his room, and the first thing I heard when I walked in was the loud snorings from Hyunjin.

"I know. It's annoying. " Seokjin said and I giggled. He lay down on his bed, and pat the empty space beside him, signaling me to lie down beside him. I was blushing really hard, and I was so thankful that the lights were off.

I lay down beside him, and he turned his body to face me. The lights from the window shine at the both of us, and we could see each other faces in the dark.

" Can you sleep now? " he asked. I nodded, smiling at him. He placed the plushie between the both of us, and he stared at it.

" Such a cute little... goat like thing. " I said and he gave me a straight face.

" It's an alpaca. "

" Oh. "

" Why would you draw an alpaca.. "

"Because I look like one, especially when I eat. " he replied, and I recalled the expression on his face when he's eating. I burst into laughter, and Seokjin covered my mouth immediately.

" Shhh! " he said as Hyunjin stopped snoring. We both glanced over at him.

" ......roooonnnnccccc, wwwweeeeewwwww. "

He continued snoring, and we sighed in relief.

" He's going to find out the next morning anyway, so it's fine if he knows I'm here. " I said. "Hmm that's true.. " Seokjin responded. He picked up the alpaca placing it in front of my belly. " Hi. I'm RJ. " he said, mimicking the voice of the plushie. I chuckled.

" What kind of name is that?" he gasped at my words, looking really offended.

"Yah it's a combination between the AL in alpaca and J from Jin it is a creative name-" his voice was getting louder and louder and he was talking even faster. Oh no. He is going to nag again.

" Okay!!!! Shh... " I placed my finger on his cold and plumpy lips. He did a cross eye, looking at my finger.

" Hyunjin is going to wake up if you talk so loudly. " I whispered to him, and he nodded his head slowly in agreement.

" Hm. True. " he whispered back, putting my hand down. I smiled, and ruffled his hair.

" Alright then, goodnight Jin. "

" You're going to call me Jin now? " he asked, looking at me.

" Yes. "

"Alright then. Good night, babygirl. "
He whispered even softer at the last word, pinching my nose.

" Excuse me? What did you just call me?! I'm older than you by 5 months!" I sat up and said but he pretended to snore, like he's asleep.

" Ugh. Stewpeed. " I mumbled, and he laughed, snorting at the same time.
I gave him a weird look, before pulling the sheets over my face.

" Nite. Oh and wake me up at 5:50 please. " he whispered.

" K, nite. "

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