chapter 24 (once we have one another, followers don't matter. )

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We walked out of school with our trophies. " AHHH that was unbelievable! " I said, and all of us put an arm around one another.

" We made it. We have officially became the crackheads of Nan Hwa high. " Jungkook said and I waved my hand.

" No! Not me. It's you guys. "

" OMG OPPAAAA!!!!! " Girls started rushing towards us, and surprisingly, for the first time in my entire life, some random boys started coming up to me, asking for my signature.

" Y/n you're so prettyyy " they said and I smiled at them. They passed me their notebooks and marker, and I sighed them one by one. Yoongi, Seokjin and Jungkook were the doing the same thing as well. When we were done, we continued walking.

" Oh yeah Y/n. I have something for you. " he said, and I looked up at him. " What is it?" he grabbed my wrist tightly, and pulled me towards the locker.
" Wha-"
Seokjin pinned me to the locker and placed a finger on my lips, grabbing everyone's attention. I looked at him, and he took out a pink plushie from his locker. I looked at the plushie, and my eyes widened.

It's the peach I drew!

He gave me the plushie, and I took it, looking at every feature of it. It's exactly like the one I drew on the paper. " So y-you asked me to draw something related to me... Because you wanted to give me this? " I asked and looked at Seokjin.
"Mhm. " he nodded. "Do you like it? "

"...No..." I mumbled, and his smile faded.

" I LOVE IT!" I screamed and hugged him. A huge smile grew back on his face, and he carried me and spun me around. " I'M GETTING GIDDY!" I said and he put me down immediately, both of us filling with laughter. I stumbled and almost fell but he caught me. I held my head, vision blurry.

The whole school was watching us.

" Oh no Seokjin.... Everyone is looking. " I said, turning my head to look at the people who were staring at us.

" I know. I can see that...and I will show them who you belong to. "

with that, Seokjin smashed his lips onto mine, and I could hear Jungkook and Eunha's screams at the back.

" AWWWWWWW " everyone shouted and clapped. I kissed him back, and placed my arms around his neck.

I have been waiting all my life for this moment. Teachers and students are watching, but I didn't even care. I was too absorbed into our own bubble, I just want to kiss him, to touch him even more. I was kissing back hard, and our lips were everywhere.

He pulled away, and I frowned. Why did he stop? I want to kiss him more.

I tip toed, trying to kiss his lips but he was too tall so I jumped and jumped. Still couldn't reach. Seokjin glanced down at me like I was a little child yearning for a hug.
He smiled, not giving in to me.

" You're so short. " he said, and I punched him gently on the arm.

" Shut up. "

" It's adorable. "

He picked me up, kissing me once more before he put me down and wrapped his hand around mine tightly. " I will always protect you, Y/n. " he said, and turned to walk towards the school gate, pulling me behind him.

" You forgot about us. " Jungkook said, and Seokjin smirked.

" Let's go, Y/n. " he said and dragged me along with him. I turned around, watching Jungkook and Eunha calling out to the both of us.

" HEY! STOB IT! " Jungkook shouted, imitating him. " I SAID STOB IT. STOB RUNNING-" his voice got softer and softer as the both of us ran towards the bus stop, hopping onto the bus that had just arrived. We sat down, on our usual seats, and I stared at the plushy.

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