chapter 6 ( something seems funny )

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I woke up to find myself on my bed. Where am I? I looked at the pink walls around me, and realised Jungkook was lying on the bed beside me. I shifted abit, and Jungkook was awaken by my movement.

" y/'re awake." he mumbled while yawning.

" why am I here? And why are you here? " I asked.

" you fainted during PE.. I was walking to the toilet earlier but I saw your class in the field. They were calling out your name.. So I decided to have a look. I got so worried when I saw you.. Lying there, on the grass... And so I offered to help you to the sickbay. "

I looked at him, unable to express how grateful I am to have him here.

" Thank you. So much.. " I said, and I mean it.

He then sat up, and looked into my eyes. " You've not been eating, right? " he asked.

I looked back at him, fighting back my tears.

"....Why? " he asked, a look of concern furrowed between his brows. " I wanted to lose weight... I'm sorry. " I mumbled and looked down, feeling ashamed of myself.

" You don't have to do this to yourself. I told you. " he said, grabbing my shoulders gently. I wiped my tears away, sobbing.

" Seokjin keeps calling me fat! I'm tired of looking like this. Help me, Jungkook. I can't eat anything.... "
I burst into tears, crying even more like a baby.

Jungkook looked hurt. He pulled me into his embrace, hugging me tightly, while he stroked my hair.

" Everything is going to be okay... " he whispered and patted my back gently. At that moment, I heard footsteps outside the door. I looked up, vision still blurry from my tears. Yet through the small window, I could see a black silhouette outside the door.

Who's that...?

He/she caught me staring, and walked away immediately.

Jungkook pulled away, and took his lunchbox out of his bag. "Here. Eat this. " he took out a donut from the lunchbox, passing it to me.

"I can't-"

He cut me off.

" You have to. You need some food. Please. Eat it.. " He said and I looked at him for awhile, before taking a bite.

" Thank you. " I said and smile with donut frosting all over my mouth. Jungkook chuckled at my chocolate-smeared face.

" Jungkook... There was this guy staring at us earlier... " I said, taking another bite of the donut.

" Really? Where? " He asked.

" Outside the door. "

Jungkook turned around to look at the window at the door.

" He's gone now. " I added.

" It's probably some teacher... " Jungkook said, shrugging.

" Hey! You got to go back to class! " I said, eyes widening.

" Nah. I told my teacher I'll be looking after my junior HAHA. I'm the class president so... The teachers trust me that I would not go anywhere else. " Jungkook smiled proudly. " Plus, I've already studied the topics that they will be teaching today. My mom taught me everything. She's a teacher. " he added.

" Wow. You're really lucky to have someone to help you at home. " I said.

" Yeah! So if you need any help, just ask me and I can ask my mom. " he said, winking at me.
I nodded, giving him a smile.

-back in class -

"Alright I want all of you to do your revision quietly. " Mrs Kim ordered, and made her way out of the class.
" I have to go to the toilet. " she said, walking off.

𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐌𝐄?! ✓ || ksj x reader ♡Where stories live. Discover now