chapter 5 (calories matter)

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I stepped on the weighing scale again. 54.0kg. All I did was eat an apple and a bowl of salad. I couldn't focus on my revision. I need some carbs. Hmm... Eating one bowl of spicy noodles won't hurt, right? I walked to my kitchen to grab a bowl of my favorite Samyang 2x spicy nuclear fire noodles.

Slurp, slurp, slurp,
and all of the noodles were gone, warm and spicy in my belly. It's so nice having the sense of fullness in your tummy. But then I turned the packaging around and read the nutrition facts. 425 calories! I immediately felt a sense of guilt creeping up.

425 calories... For just a bowl of noodles? I sat back down on my seat, feeling extremely pissed at myself for not following the diet carefully, but since I've worked out in the morning, I should have lost some weight already. I tried to reassure myself, to tell myself that eating just a bowl of noodles won't affect my weight too much.

I've been studying the whole day. This is why I am called the nerd. I kept my textbooks and stationary, and lay down on my bed. What should I do now? Having no friends makes my life so boring. At least I have Jungkook. He's the only one I rely on now. Wait, do I really trust him that much? It's only been like 2 days since I met him!!

Oh ya! I need to find his Instagram account! I took out my phone and search for his name in the search bar. Found it! I clicked on the button to follow him, and started stalking his account. I stopped when I saw a picture of him with a familiar looking person beside him. Oh my. It's Seokjin.

The photo was posted in 2011, one of the earliest Instagram times

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The photo was posted in 2011, one of the earliest Instagram times. I proceed to read the caption.

" thank you for being my brother !  @ksj04.92 "

I look at the brown–haired boy beside Jungkook. I zoomed in. It's really him. It's Seokjin. @ksj04.92? Could it be his account? I clicked on it and I was right.

Seokjin's account was filled with his selfies. I'm... not surprised. What's surprising to me was there were not much pictures of him with Jennie. My heart softened when I found pictures of Seokjin with his pet dog... But those were his old pictures. His latest pictures are all his face. I couldn't find a picture of his dog that is posted this year...

Seokjin looked

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Seokjin looked... Different. He looks much more kinder, like a sweet boyfriend. Oh look that dog is smelling his arm! I zoomed in and...


A white heart popped out on the middle of the picture.


I looked at the red colour heart at the bottom of the post. FUCKKKKKK. I immediately unliked the post and changed my bio from my name to
" Anonymous " .

My heart was beating really fast. Will he see it? Will he get the notification? Omg I'm such a fucking idiot. The next thing I know,

"@ksj04.92 started following you. "

Oh no. He saw it. It's too late. My account is not private. He's saw my face in my account. He knows it's me. I am EXPOSED.

I shut down my phone immediately, slapping my face repeatedly.

" WHY ARE YOU SUCH A FUCKING....PABO!! " I screamed and slammed my fist down on my bed. I sat up, and could see my own reflection on my glass cupboard.

My short hair was messy, my chubby arms showing.

I'm so ugly.

I instantly forgot about what happened earlier. I should really start working out. Again.

For the whole weekend my phone was completely shut off. I was too  afraid to look at it. I packed my bag and head to school without turning on my phone at all. I walked into class, my hands shaking with fear. I'm early, as usual. There are no one in class yet. But the thought of Seokjin coming in later worries me.

I sat down at my seat and that's when I realized, my skirt felt really loose against my waist. I forgot to eat breakfast again. I left my bag in class, and made my way to the canteen.

Do they sell apple here? Turns out the fruit stall isn't open yet. But there's a store selling pretzel. My stomach has been making lots of noise, so I decided to buy one soft pretzel. I hid behind the canteen and open the plastic packaging. I took one bite onto the pretzel. Yum! It's delicious, and inside is filled with chocolate! What brand is this? I flipped the packaging around but something else caught my attention.

350 kcal...

I stopped chewing. I crumpled the plastic packaging, threw it in the nearby bin and spit out the chewed up pretzel into the bin. I watched as a string of my saliva fell out of my mouth. Something in me tells me to stop eating.

That's too much calories.

It's going to make me gain a pound. I made sure to spit it all out. I turned around, as if nothing happened, and walked straight back to class.

30 minutes passed. People were entering the class one by one but Seokjin was nowhere in sight. I heaved a sigh of relief. He's probably not here today. When the bell rang, everyone walked out of the classroom and head to the field for PE lesson.

I hate PE. We had to run around the field 5 times. Part of me don't want to, but I know this would be some exercise for me. I started running, feeling my body heating up. My legs felt heavy, but I know I have to continue running.

I need to lose weight..
I need to lose weight...
In less than a minute, I was done with the first round. I run as fast as I can even though my head felt empty. I felt an excruciating pain in my stomach, but I didn't stop running.
My head was spinning,
As if the world is turning upside down
My hands felt cold,
Extremely cold.

I'm sweating,
But my sweat feels cold too.
What is happening?
Why can't I see anything....
I tripped,
And fell,
On the cold, damp grass.
Why is everything and everyone so blurry......
The next thing I saw was darkness.
Complete darkness.

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