chapter 21 (coincidence)

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We sang and sang, all the way till night, not realising it was already 8pm. Seokjin's door creaked open, revealing a beautiful woman around her 40s. She was wearing an orange coloured dress, and she had some light makeup on.

" Hey sweetie, " the woman stopped and gasped when she saw me. "Oh my... Who's this beautiful girl? " She asked. " Sorry mom. I've forgot to tell you about this but... She's y/n.. My girlfriend. "

" Oh my God! " she placed one hand over her mouth.

Ooh so this is Seokjin's mom? Wow, she's beautiful, just like her son.
I stood up and bowed, greeting her politely.

" Hello auntie, I'm y/n. It's nice to meet you. " I said. She opened her mouth, looking really surprised by my words.

" A-auntie?"

" She doesn't like it when people calls her auntie. She'll feel old. " Seokjin said to me, holding in his laughter.

" H-Hey...who says that? " her mom shot back at Seokjin. She turned her attention to me again, and smiled so brightly I could see her shiny teeth. Damn if I had her smile, I would never ever stop smiling.

" Hello y/n... Oh my goodness you're so beautiful! " she said and walked to me, hugging me tightly. I eyed Seokjin awkwardly, and he was laughing in silence. " Why haven't you talk about her to me huhhhh? " she asked Seokjin, pinching his face.

" OW-OWWWW MOM! " he rubbed his cheek. " That hurt.... " he said, frowning.

" Sorry about that y/n." Seokjin's mom giggled, and swiped her long hair to the back. " you can address me as Auntie Kim! I don't mind... " she said and glared at Seokjin.

" So... Tell me more about yourself. " she said and sat down on Seokjin's bed. Sounds like she really wants to know more about me.

" Erm so I'm actually in the same class as Seokjin... "

"OOH. HOW IS HE AT SCHOOL? Did he treat you weeellll??? " Auntie Kim dragged her last word and put her arm around Seokjin, pulling him towards her roughly. I eyed Seokjin, who was suffering in silence. I had no idea whether to laugh or feel bad for him. " Erm... Yeah. He's a really hardworking boy... "

This is awkward. This feels like a parent and teacher's meeting instead of a self introduction.

" Oh really? " his mom asked. " I heard from his teachers that he used to be really mean to his classmates. Is that true? " she asked and Seokjin's eyes widened. He looked over to me, waving his hands.

"NO" was the message he wanted to deliver.

"Please!!! No!!" He mouthed to me and shook his head.

" Erm-"

"M-mom you're scaring her by asking her all these q-questions. Please ask her something that's related to h-her. " Seokjin mumbled.

" What is it? Why are you stuttering? HMM? " his mom started pulling his ear, making him cry in pain. I panicked, not knowing what to do to save him. (cHiLd abUsE)

" Seokjin is actually a really nice student! Even though he may not used to be..."

Auntie Kim's eyes widened, and applied more pressure on Seokjin's ear.

" A-AHHHH" he screamed in pain. My eyes widened as I immediately waved my palms.

"NO-NO! For the first few months of school I mean! But now he's really nice.. He taught me a lot. " I said, and I meant the last sentence from the bottom of my heart. She smiled, and loosen her grip on Seokjin's ear.

" Well then that's good to hear. It's so nice to meet you. You're such a sweet girl... Omg my Jinnieeee has grown up... " her mom started sobbing, wrapping her arms around Seokjin.

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