Chapter 7

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No one knew what U.A. would even look like since it was hidden behind a tall fence that wrapped around all sides of the building. Sure, the building might have poked out from above those walls, but no one knew exactly what the building looked like. Even though I was forced here by a single acceptance letter, I couldn't deny the beauty of the building.

If only people would put their time in building stuff like this for an entire community rather than just one school, maybe things would be a bit better for everyone. Unfortunately, equality and equity could barely happen when people were as selfish as they were. Heroes were selfish in a way. I mean, did they really want to help people, or were they just doing it for the money, the spotlight, the fame, or even the thrill of it all? Villains weren't much different, even though their selfish needs were a bit more apparent compared to heroes.

This building just had to remind me of that as I looked up at it. Walls of glass shimmered in the sunlight as they stood high with four pillars connected by four bridges—that also had glass walls around it to prevent anyone from falling out, finished with a roof on top of each bridge—to get from one building to the next. The construction workers must've worked really hard on this as everything looked perfect. Everything about the building was shiny, and knowing how much money was probably put into this, it would probably stay like that for the many years to come.

"Wow," I heard Sakura breathed. "It's so beautiful!"

"To think it only took them less than a week to build it too," Katio added. "At least, that's what I heard on the news this morning."

"And it's always going to be standing right there," another voice said from behind, causing my hairs to stand. "Best if we stop gawking and get inside."

We all turned around and looked up to see Raiden Yamamoto standing right behind us. He looked like a gigantic shadow with the sun hitting him from behind, making him look much taller than he actually was. I couldn't help but to take a couple steps back at the sight of him either. It wasn't long since we had last seen each other since it was about a week ago the mall incident happened. Still, in that short amount of time, he seemed to have changed.

Well, it wasn't like me changing into someone else kind of change. That would've been ridiculous. Still, something about him seemed different. Maybe it was the fact that he was in the U.A. uniform like the rest of us. Or maybe it was the fact that he refused to wear the coat of the uniform as his...

That was it! Somehow, in the past few days, Yamamoto seemed to have gotten more muscular. I wasn't the only one to take notice either.

"Yo, Raiden, hitting the gym without me?" Kaito exclaimed. "Man, you're going to be having all the girls drooling over you before—"

Raiden Yamamoto shot Kaito a death look. Not just any death look, but one that could've killed someone in an instance. I squealed in fear as I stepped behind Sakura, afraid this guy wanted some sort of revenge from the practical exam.

Instead of saying a word, the tall guy just let out a sigh and shook his head in disbelief. When he caught a glimpse of me, I could see a bit of disappointment flashing in his eyes. I wasn't sure what I did to already deserve that, but I just shrunk behind Sakura in attempts to hide.

"Like anyone would actually be dating already," Sakura commented.

Kaito snapped his head towards her and clenched his hands in front of his chest, readying himself in a boxing-like position. "Oh yeah," he challenged. "Bet!"

Oh no. I thought to myself as my hands clenched the straps of my backpack. Kaito was going to learn the hard way that you don't underestimate Sakura. Despite looking as delicate as a ballerina, she wasn't the kind of person to be underestimated. The second someone did that, they would get conned. Big time.

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