Chapter 16

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Voting for class rep was the last thing that was expected from us after class. Despite what should have been a quick event, it seemed to drag on forever. It didn't help that many students didn't even seem motivated to run for class rep by the time we got to it. I would've thought Sakura, Kaito, or even Yamamoto would've jumped towards the opportunity; however, that didn't happen. Out of the handful volunteers, only one stood out the most due to her quick thinking skills. Because of that, Michi became U.A's first class rep.

Her win should've been a happy one, but everyone seemed distracted. Even as I walked out of the school, I realized Sakura was so distracted that she had forgotten to walk home with me. I waited outside the doors of U.A. for a few minutes until I got a phone call.

Seeing her number flash across the screen, I knew what was going on.

"Hey Sakura," I answered.

"Oh my gosh! Tami-tan, I'm such a bad friend! I'm so sorry! I was just so tired from school, and thought you were right next to me the entire time. I'm at the middle school with your brother, so we can either wait here, or we can meet you at U.A., or we can meet you at your house. Again, I'm so so sorry!" Sakura apologized.

I forced out a small laugh. "It's okay, honestly! I should be fine walking back by myself. I can catch up with you guys later. Just make sure Ollie's doing his homework when you get there so that you can help me with the math assignment."

"You got it!" Sakura responded. "Again, I'm so sorry! It won't happen again."

Even though I knew she wouldn't see me, I still shook my head. That was typical Sakura. It may seem like she was a bad friend, but after what we'd been through, especially today, I didn't blame her. Sure, she wasn't in the library, but she still had to stay in the safe room, wondering what was going on. From what I could understand, no one knew what kind of villains were here. No one, except Kaito, Michi, Yamamoto, and me.

Sakura hung up on me not long after we exchanged our goodbyes. I sighed as I tucked my phone into the pocket of my blazer and readjusted the backpack on my shoulders before I started my walk home. Home wasn't far, but it wasn't an easy walk either. While I knew Sakura offered to wait or walk back, I didn't want them to go through that kind of trouble. Ollie would've been exhausted by the time we got home if they met me back here. On the other hand, he would've gotten so bored with Sakura.

Then again, maybe he wouldn't. Before Sakura and I got into U.A., I remembered how jealous he'd get. Every time Sakura would come and visit, the first thing he'd ask was when she was going to leave. If I was going to go somewhere with her, he'd complain that he wanted to go. When he didn't get his way, he'd be very bitter when I got home as he felt left out. That all seemed to have changed when Sakura finally showed him her Quirk and told him how she wanted to be a hero like his big sister. There was still tension between the two every once in a while, but it wasn't like it used to be.

Knowing those two, I figured they could probably get along a bit better than before. That didn't mean I could trust them two to wait on me. Besides, I could still make it home safely.

"Tami? Tami-tan! It is you!" a familiar voice yelled from behind. "Wait up!"

I stopped. I was just about ready to step out of U.A. grounds, before someone called my name. Not knowing who it was, I turned around, seeing one of my classmates running as fast as he could towards me. There was a small stack of books in his arms. It shocked me, especially since I noted how many of them were about heroes. Being that we were working on our history project together, I didn't think there were many books about Justice-Core.

Somehow, Kaito managed to find at least three of them.

He stopped running when he got to me and let out a deep breath. "Man, am I glad I ran into you. You won't believe it, but it's almost impossible to find information on our hero. No need to worry though. I got us covered. We have five books that have something about him that we can get our research project done."

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