Chapter 26

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I think it was a given that one of my biggest fears would have to be crowded places. My anxieties would worsen as I felt everything shaking inside of me and the room heating up. All I would want was to get out, but sometimes, that was absolutely impossible. Being in huge crowds, well, I didn't think anything would be scarier, except for maybe what I had just gone through.

Having a gigantic shoe come speeding towards me, well, I think that just topped the cake. A scream escaped my lips as I felt my body react before I could blink. I was thankful for that as I hopped up onto my four legs and tried to scurry away. If anything, I had to get out of here. There wasn't any other way. There couldn't be! As much as it was best to stay hidden, I couldn't quite do that if I was dead.

No, I had just escaped death from the crazy woman with the pink hair and the man who claimed to be my father. That was the end of that story. I needed to stay alive otherwise escaping that place would have all been for nothing!

As I was about to leap behind a trash can, something caught onto my tail. Instead of going forward like I had planned, I was pulled back, hitting whatever had caught onto my tail.

It wasn't like the weight on my tail was painful. At least, it wasn't unless I tried to move. I needed to move. My head looked up to see a woman dressed in a blue and purple superhero costume. It was purple on the top until it reached her elbows, where a silver line slanted downwards towards her belly button. Under the line, the material turned into a dark blue.

There was only one hero who wore that costume. She was pretty well known too.

"It's Power Girl," I gasped in realization, surprised to hear my own voice being that I was, well, a rat.

While it could've been my imagination, it wasn't. The tall woman stumbled away. The fear in her expression widened that I could see it well past the small purple mask she wore.

"You can talk?" she gasped in response. "How can you talk?"

"It's a long story, but can you help me out? I-I need help. Big time," I told her. "I'm one of Yama—well, Raiden Yamamoto's classmates, an-and—"

"You're the shapeshifter girl that's in his class, aren't you?" Power Girl asked.

The hero bent down and looked at me. She was still quite far away from me, but I could tell it was the best she could do. She held out her hand for me to crawl on, and I nearly took a step onto. However, I hesitated. It wasn't because of my dislike of touch, but rather, the fact that I was a rat. If I shifted back to my human form, I would be in a very embarrassing situation.

Not sure that would matter being that I was covered in fur, but I had to do what I could right now to make things a lot less awkward. That was, if this situation wasn't odd enough.

"Yeah, but uh, before I get into that..." I stopped, trying to think things through. "I need clothes."

Powergirl tilted her head, confused.

"Clothes that can fit me," I explained.

Once again, Powergirl seemed confused as she blinked.

"Not like, me-rat-sized-me clothes, but like, clothes to fit human-sized-me," I tried digging myself out of the hole I was digging myself in. "I, uh, I don't have any clothes on."

Shock washed over Power Girl.

"That came out wrong! I'm sorry! Probably the last thing you wanted to hear someone, well a rat—I'll just shut up." I squeaked as I hung my head, trying to look away. I have always had a reputation of embarrassing myself, but this was by far the worst. I was embarrassing myself in front of a hero. Not just any hero, but one who was one of my classmate's siblings. There was no way I was going to hear the end of this.

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