Chapter 6

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After reporting to the officials what had happened, Sakura refused to give me one second by myself, and I was okay with that. Even more so, I was relieved that no one had contacted my family about what had happened. I wasn't sure how any of them would react that I had ran away from the situation, or that it even happened.

Time passed by, and before I knew it, the dreaded day came.

"Tami! Tami! Wake up!" my little brother squealed.

My hands clutched onto my blanket as I tugged it closer to my chest. My knees pulled into my chest so that my legs would submerge under the blanket. The last thing I wanted to do was to wake up, or at least, I didn't want to wake up today of all days.

I knew what today was. To be honest, I had been up for hours, not getting a minute of sleep. My heart was still racing knowing what could happen the moment I stepped into that school. If there was some way I could, I would stop it by pretending I was sick or that I had overslept.

"C'mon Tami!" Ollie pleaded. "It's your first day at U.A, and Mom made you dinosaur chicken nuggets for lunch."

My eyes shot open, looking my brother right in the eyes, regretting it immediately. In the past, things would've been a lot different. I was the morning bird of the family, just so I could see Mom before she went to work and tried to help her around the house. Ollie would sleep in until the very last minute until I would literally drag him out of bed and shove him into the bathroom to get ready.

Today, it was as if we had swapped places. For the first time, Ollie had his brown hair combed to the side while he wore his simple black uniform, consisting of shoes, slacks, and a polo. Only, something seemed different about his uniform, and I couldn't quite put my finger on it until I saw a little gold pin on the collar. It was something that was optional for students to wear as it was simply the school's emblem. Because of that, he never wore it.

Ollie pulled something from his pant's pocket and handed it to me. I pushed myself into a seated position and looked at it, finding a red tie in his hands. "Mom said you can wear this red tie with your uniform too!"

I looked back at Ollie, seeing his eyes glued to the red tie. His chocolate-colored eyes sparkled as his smile widened. It was that moment that made it seem as if he was going to be the one going to U.A, not me. That was how excited he was for me to be going to this new hero school.

If it wasn't for the dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets my mom had already prepared for my lunch, I wouldn't have gotten up. I might have found a way to get out of it, but that little thought left the moment I saw that look on Ollie's face. Because he had no Quirk, this would be the only time someone in our family had a chance of being a hero.

The last thing I wanted to do was for him to be disappointed in me for not trying to do what he wanted. If I did, I would wipe away all the hope that was left in him. After all, seeing his big sister make it in gave him a little bit of hope that he'd have a chance of making it into U.A. too.

I couldn't take that away from him.

"Make sure mom packs extra ketchup packets in my lunchbox," I told him as I took the tie from his hands. "I'll be out in a bit."


After breakfast, Mom had Ollie and I stand in front of the door to take pictures of us. I tried to show some sort of excitement, but I don't think it could've matched Ollie's in the slightest. It was hard just to keep him still. I could tell he was excited, but it wasn't for him to go to school, it was for me.

"Tami, what's wrong?" Mom asked as she pulled the camera from her face, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear as she looked at me, seeing through the forced smile I tried to give. She was wearing her uniform for work, which she should have already left for. "Are you nervous for U.A. or something?"

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