Chapter 9

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It wasn't long after Sakura and Michi had completed their exam that Raiden Yamamoto and I were called to start the exam. If it wasn't nerve-wrecking enough to be working together as a team, it was our opponent that had sweat beading down the sides of my face.

The Go twins, Chiyo and Ichiro. My heart started to race as I saw them staring back at me as they walked towards Raiden Yamamoto and me. It was only for a split second that I saw their Quirk when they attacked. Well, I guess they really didn't attack. It was more that they just bombarded me the moment I walked into the classroom. Still, I didn't like it as their Quirk made me uncomfortable.

Knowing how much they got into my personal space and how easily they could do that really set me on edge. My fingers rubbed against the sides of my shorts I had to wear as I got a closer look at them. Chiyo's curly green hair was pulled back into a ponytail, leaving a few strands in front of her forehead and the strands that refused to go back. Her green eyes widened in excitement as she looked at me. Seeing her like that, I backed up, feeling something behind me.

I looked back, seeing Raiden Yamamoto standing right there. He didn't seem to look down when I bumped into him, but he wore that scowl on his face that caused shivers to trickle down my spine. I quickly side-stepped away and looked back at our opponents, trying to grab every detail I could about them.

Ichiro stood just a bit taller than her, but he was built the same. Same jaw line, nose, and just everything. The only difference was that his hair was a lot shorter. It was long at the top and short on the bottom, but it was stylized, so it didn't look too crazy.

Michi told me that Ichiro was the one that could make him and his sister's copies disappear. Chiyo could duplicate either one of them.

"Remember the plan," I heard Raiden Yamamoto mumble.

"I-I know, Raiden," I whispered before realizing what I had just said. Realizing it, I awkwardly added, "Yamamoto," at the end.

It was the first time I had actually said his name. I wasn't sure whether or not to call him by his first or last name, so I made the mistake in saying both. Normally, it wouldn't have mattered. Most of my classmates told me what to call them before I could even ask, or would at least politely correct me, telling me what they'd rather be called.

In Japan, everyone called each other by their last name, unless given permission to do otherwise. After years of living here, I thought I would've caught onto that. After all, I've lived here for over half my life. I should've gotten used to that.

But I didn't. I couldn't. Back home, Mom and Peter always called people by their first names. It was a habit from when we all lived in America. Everyone I knew would let me call them by their first names. They'd never usually have a problem with it.

Until now.

"Don't call me that," he growled. "It's Yamamoto."

I gulped.

Mr. Elastic walked over towards us. His hands were in fists as they hit his hips. Our teacher held his head high, looking a lot taller than he normally did, which was tall. He could've easily been seven foot tall for all I knew, but seeing him standing in front of me, I felt as if he was growing taller. He wasn't using his Quirk, at least, I don't think he was. Maybe he was, but that didn't matter as I felt as if I was the shortest one standing there.

All I needed to do was survive this thing and not make Rai—I mean, Yamamoto, angry. Do as he told me, and I'd make it out in one piece.


"I don't want any of you to be sent to the emergency room after this, understood?" Mr. Elastic asked. Before waiting for an answer, he simply continued. "Now, there's a kid hidden somewhere inside. All you have to do is find them and bring them back before the other team can find them and do the same. You'll get three minutes inside to spread out and plan what you're going to do with your partner before the child is released."

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