Chapter 14

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"We're not the only students trapped here," Michi had told us.

Hearing those words, I felt my heart race even faster. No one came into the library during lunch break. That was when everyone ate and could decompress from their morning classes. The only reason I was here was because I wanted to avoid Kaito.

Or more so, I didn't want him to ask about the dorayaki treat he gave me earlier. While we were trapped here, that treat was stuffed somewhere in my backpack, ready to go home to my little brother.

While I was here for that reason, I wasn't surprised to see Michi. She worked really hard in every single class, but I guess that's to be expected from someone ranked number two. As to why Kaito was here, I wasn't sure. It should have just been the three of us stuck in the library.

Except, I started to remember the other person I had ran into when I was looking for a book.

I stood up and peaked above the railing to see the boy stuck to a chair. His arms were turned to mush behind his back. His legs were in a similar position as they pretty much merged into the legs of the chair. My eyes widened in horror as Yamamoto tried to use his strength to get out of the chair, but he couldn't budge.

"You're going to get caught," Yamamoto sneered as he looked at the pink-haired woman, who was kneeling in front of him. "Do you really think that in a school full of heroes, you can get away with all of this?"

The woman in front of him smiled as she grabbed his chin. I felt my heart stop, remembering what her Quirk involved. He didn't know. Sure, I told him, Kaito, and Sakura a little bit about the villains at the mall, but they didn't know about that particular Quirk. It was one of the few pieces of information I had left out. Or at least, I think I left out. It had been so long ago that I had forgotten what I told them that day.

Besides, even if he did know or figured it out, he didn't see those villains at the mall. Only I did. There was no way he'd know what she'd look like, or her sidekick.

The woman chuckled. "Aren't you pwesious for thinking that way. Big heroes can't help you now, so pucker up."

While Yamamoto tried leaning back in his chair as much as he could, he couldn't get away. He was trapped. There was no way out of this.

It was just like that man from the mall. I never knew what happened to him. He could've been dead for all I knew.


The thought made it harder to breathe. If Yamamoto died right there, it would be my fault for not trying to warn him. I was watching this whole thing happen before my very eyes. Only I knew what her Quirk did, or at least, somewhat did. Yamamoto didn't.

There was no way I could let him deal with the consequences, even if he wasn't the nicest of people in my class.

"Get away from him!" I screamed.

The woman froze before she snapped her head up at me. Her mouth curved into a twisted smile.

"Oh, wooskie what we've got here! More hero-wanna-bes! Let's find them, Meaty!" she squealed as she stood up.

I watched as she walked past Yamamoto's chair, tossing his hair a bit as she did. He didn't seem to care as he tried looking back at me. The way he was positioned, there was no way he could see it was me. Maybe that was a good thing.

Unfortunately, I had bigger issues as that woman was walking towards the spiral staircase. As for her partner in crime, he was nowhere to be found.

Someone grabbed my wrist, yanking me away. I tore my gaze away from what was going on at the lower level of the library and looked to see Michi pulling me behind her while Kaito was by her side. They both looked at me in disappointment.

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