Chapter 30

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Hatsuko was right when she said she knew the best ice cream place in town. After realizing my favorite flavor was vanilla, she asked if it was alright if I was willing to try something different with it and dragged me into a Mexican restaurant. I was glad she did as my spoon cut through the tan breading and slid into the creamy vanilla ice cream hidden inside. While it was a bit odd that ice cream could be both cold and hot—as the breading seemed a bit warm—it was by far one of the best things I had ever eaten.

"Told ya fried ice cream was going to be good, didn't I?" Hatsuko said right before she took another bite.

I nodded my head in agreement as I swallowed the bite of ice cream and breading in my mouth. It amazed me how the ice cream was cold all while being trapped inside a warm coating. Part of me wanted to know if Hatsuko knew how this was even possible, but I didn't ask. Instead, I just enjoyed it, cutting my spoon back into it for another bite.

"What did you think of the tamales you had last night?" Hatsuko asked. "From what Raiden told me, you seemed to have really enjoy them."

My face heated up, remembering what happened the previous night. The Yamamoto's weren't wrong. I did enjoy them, but it made me wonder if he told her about me eating them wrong. I mean, how was I supposed to know that the outside wasn't meant to be eaten? It looked like food, so it should've been edible, right?

"They were good," I told her. "Much better than what I normally have. Not saying that I don't like what I have at home. My mom's a great cook. Oh! And I don't mean that they were awful either. It's just, I—it was a nice change from school food and the normal food people eat. Not that it's strange or anything." I dropped my head, feeling the room warming up. Maybe I needed more ice cream rather than the fried coating. Dropping my spoon, I tore off the fried bit just before continuing my thought. "It was good."

Hatsuko chuckled. "You're too sweet! No worries, I know what you're getting at. Raiden told me about how you weren't a fan of Japanese food, so I was worried you wouldn't like the food we had."

"Did he, uh, tell you I'm—"

"American?" Hatsuko asked. "Yes, but I already knew. You don't really have an accent, but your name gives it away. It's a bit easier to point out than us since our dad is Japanese. I have some siblings that you can hardly tell have any hispanic in them, but Luz, Raiden, and I take after our too much. Or at least, look wise we do."

"That's cool," I said, looking down at my plate. There wasn't much of the frozen treat left. If I wanted to, I could've scooped up the rest and ate it, but I didn't. For some reason, her bringing up her family's heritage caused me to lose my appetite.

My parents were both American. That was still true, or at least, I was certain he was still American. At the same time, I didn't know about his side of the family. Sure, I did, but it wasn't anything like I had expected it to be. Then again, I thought my—no. I don't think I could ever really consider him my dad, not when he turned out to be a villain.

It still didn't make sense how he could become a villain. He was a hero. Even though he was thought to be dead, and the hero society shunned him for that—which didn't make any sense—he should've taken that time to be a better person. But he became a villain.

Why would a hero turn into a villain?

"Hey Hatsuko. I got your text," a familiar voice greeted, before pausing. "Uh hi, Tami."

I looked up to see the youngest Yamamoto standing there. He was wearing his school uniform, with the blazer unbuttoned and the tie missing. His dark colored backpack slouched onto one shoulder as he looked at me.

"Hey Raiden! We were just talking about you, weren't we Tami?" Hatsuko asked as she scooted down into a different chair so that he would have the chance to sit across from me. I lowered my head, feeling the heat rising to my cheeks. Of all things she could've said or done, that was by far the worst.

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