Chapter 32

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After what happened, my friends had agreed we weren't going to separate until we got some answers. My hand held a tight grip on the note that was left with Kaito earlier, but I refused to look at it. Instead, I just looked down at the ground, unsure what was going to happen.

Ollie was in trouble. Kaito was still unconscious, so there was a chance that he could very well not remember anything. No. He would remember. He was just knocked out. It was more than likely Nightshade used her Quirk on him. She doesn't make people forget. That was his job. There was no way he would've come all this way if he could just send someone else to do the work for him. If he would have been there, he probably wouldn't have stopped until he had his hands on me.

"He's going to be fine, Tami-tan," Sakura assured as she looked at me.

Instead of looking at her, I lifted my head towards Raiden, who was carrying Kaito on his back. Raiden refused to look at me, keeping his head forward. I didn't look at him though. My eyes were glued onto the orange haired boy, who looked as if he was taking a nap.

Memories of when Ollie and I were younger started to replay in my head. During the summer, Sakura, Ollie, and I would go out and play in the park. Sakura and I would hang out on the swings while Ollie would run around, meeting the kids who had also tagged along. Most of the time, Peter and Mom would come with us, being that we were young, but it never failed that by the end of the day, Ollie would tucker himself out.

Seeing Kaito hoisted on Raiden's back reminded me of that. Sure, Peter would always try to offer to carry Ollie on those days, but I was always too stubborn to let him do that. Somedays, I was lucky and would wear my special made outfit that would grow or shrink alongside my Quirk. When that happened, I would turn into Peter or someone else who was taller. I would just never turn into a hero because I knew the people around us would get pretty confused.

Seeing Kaito like that made me realize it wasn't him I was worried about. It was Ollie. Ollie was my brother. I was always the one there for him when he needed help. At least, I was. Thinking about it, I haven't really been able to be there for him lately. I might have still helped him with his homework, but that was it. Last week, I was too caught up on doing homework about that fraud of a hero with Kaito and had gone to a festival with my friends that I didn't really think about Ollie.

No wonder why he was so angry with me when I told him I didn't want to be a hero. Ever since I had gotten into that hero school, I was always doing something for that rather than being there for him. If only I had told everyone the truth sooner, then maybe I wouldn't have been in this mess. Things could have been easier for me. But no. I had to be the one to keep it from him, from everyone.

To make matters worse, he wasn't just kidnapped; he was kidnapped by the same people who had me. I didn't want to even think about all the things they could've done to him, but that was all I could think about. They could have made him into a giant meatball, or Nightshade could force on those horrendous nightmares on him.

Most of all, I was scared of what he would make my brother think if he would use his Quirk on my brother.

"Hey, Tami-tan," Sakura tried once again. "We're going to get him back. All we have to do is tell the teachers at U.A., and they'll handle it."

A sigh escaped my lips as I looked down at the note, reading the warning once more.

"But what if it's not enough?" I asked. "They want me. Anyone else and—and they'll hurt him."

"Who's to say they haven't already?" Raiden suggested.

"Raiden!" Sakura hissed.

My eyes squeezed shut as I tried not to think about it. Unfortunately, that was all Raiden could think about.

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