Chapter Four

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"Im not leaving you, I'll keep running, I want to be with you

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"Im not leaving you, I'll keep running, I want to be with you." I cry to him.

"Grace, it's too dangerous you can't keep going like this. I should've never let you be apart of this, I fucked up bad, you're going to get hurt." He grabs me and yells, but quietly since we were being chased.

"I don't care, I'll take a fucking bullet for you." I wipe the tears that trickle down my cheek. We've been on the run for hours, they won't give up, not until they get him. I felt like we were never going to get away, but I wasn't leaving him alone, he's my everything and I'm in this with him.

No matter what.

"GRACE RUN!" He yells as he grabs my hand and takes off, my feet begin to carry me as I trail behind him, running as fast as our feet can take us.

We run into the lot of a closed car dealership, we turned the corner of the building and crouched down within the shadows for cover.

He grabbed me and pulled me into his chest, we were both breathing heavier than you could imagine.

"Gracie." I hear him whisper.

I look up to meet his blue eyes, and they're welled up with water.

"Why are you cr-"

"When I say now, you run in the direction of that lamp post okay? Do not stop running, and do NOT turn back do you hear me Grace? DO YOU HEAR ME?" He shakes me and yells.

I nod slowly as I sob.

It was breaking my heart, there was no way I could run away from him and leave like that, he must be out of his mind.

" Get ready." He instructs sternly, wiping his tears.

This couldn't be the end.

There had to be more of us after this.

I watch as he watched the men make their way to us, closer and closer as they run, when finally-


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