Chapter Ten

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Today was back to the new routine, waking up early and getting ready for school

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Today was back to the new routine, waking up early and getting ready for school.

Yay my favourite..

Though I wasn't very pumped for today, I wanted to get through the day as fast as I could because tomorrow is my first visitation day, and my papa will be coming to see me.

I couldn't wait to tell him about everything so far, Niko, Vincent, going to a party and making friends the first week of school.

I felt like he was going to be ecstatic about the fact I was actually enjoying myself.

This year has been hell for the both of us, more so him since he can actually remember everything, while I can't.

He had full memory of any bad thing that may have happened, he didn't have the luxury of forgetting it, as if it never happened.

I couldn't wait for tomorrow, just to see his face when I tell him all about how great its been. In all honesty I didn't think it was going to go as well as it has.

I didn't even want to come here when papa first mentioned it, but I'm so glad I came because I would've never got to experience this fun and happiness of life.

I feel like I've never really lived even though I'm alive.

I would've never had the chance to meet Niko either.

Or Vincent.

God, I couldn't even think of a world where I didn't know who Vincent was.

Picturing his angelic face in my mind, those eyes, lips.

He was too perfect to not know, thanks to something stupid I apparently did, I was lucky enough to meet the fine specimen himself.

I could daydream about him all day.

He coincidentally sits right behind me in my human anatomy class, the first day he didn't even show up so I had no clue he took this class, but today when I saw him as I walked in and took a seat.

I was completely shocked.

This wasn't a mandatory course either, so he picked this specific one on his own.

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