Chapter Fifty Three (Epilogue)

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Before it finally happened, I would wait for what seemed like hours

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Before it finally happened, I would wait for what seemed like hours.

I'd lay my head on her semi round belly, waiting for that little kick that I apparently kept missing.

I wanted to feel the kick so bad, it seemed like every time I left the room she would get a kick, then I'd curse under my breath in anger.

Then finally..

"Do you think she's going to kick soon?" I ask her, my head on her bare belly.

"She, you always ask if she's going to kick. Do you think it's going to be a girl?" Grace questions me as she looks down to her stomach, with my head rested on it.

I think we took almost too much time to lay down and appreciate the growth of our baby. The biggest surprise of our lives, and oddly enough the best.

We were excited as fuck for the baby to come.

"I wouldn't mind a little princess." I smirk, beginning to trace my fingers along the skin of her stomach.

She made six months pregnant look incredible.

God damn.

"Really? Because I was thinking I might want a little boy, I have like the perfect name. But I can't tell you until he's here." She wiggles her eyebrows at me and giggles.

"Yeah a little guy would be awesome, we'd have a blast. I just thought of a little girl first because they stay clingy for so long, I'll get to spoil her and love her for so long. Boys get distant fast, take it from me." I chuckle a bit.

"What if, we have this baby... and then have another one. Maybe we'll have one princess and one prince." She smiles, she always said her dream would be a little girl and a little boy, the best of both worlds of course.

"You don't want three kids?" I question in a sad tone, jokingly.

"What am I? A golden retriever? Two is enough for me, if you're going to have three you might as-well keep going until you have a litter." She shrugs, I fail to contain my laughter and I burst out, she bursts out laughing as-well shortly after.

As my head was still rested against her skin, I closed my eyes and focused on only the feeling of her.

And that's when—

"Woah, holy fuck!" I gasp and lift my head from her stomach, giving her a shocked expression. She held the same face as I did and we both began to smile.

The baby finally kicked, and I felt it.

"She kicked!" I shout in laughter, not being able to stop smiling.

"It's a boy!" Grace shouts back jokingly.

"That was insane, you really feel that all the time?" I question. "You're incredible Gracie."

"It happens most when you're home, I think the baby knows when you're here." She replies. "You're incredible for being so supportive, and loving. She's going to love her daddy so much."

A big smile takes form upon my lips and I hold her hand in mine as I sit up on the bed.

"I'm going to love her just as much as I love her mommy, and that's a fucking lot." I smirk and lean in, giving my fucking flawless fiancé a loving kiss.

God she makes me hard just with a kiss.

She'll always have the same effect on me.

I can't fucking wait to marry this girl.

Even better, I can't wait to be a dad to our baby.

Epilogue #1!I'm going to be keeping these short and sweet, sorry not sorry but I have things planned for two other books and I can only reveal so many thinggssss

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Epilogue #1!
I'm going to be keeping these short and sweet, sorry not sorry but I have things planned for two other books and I can only reveal so many thinggssss.

So these will be small and quick but it's a good glimpse into what's going to happen in the future for the characters; even with little detail and context. You'll know everything eventually, but that's all I'm saying😤

What did you guys think of this?! Please let me know in the comments loves, and don't forget to vote!


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