Chapter Twenty Five

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Am I a complete fucking idiot?

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Am I a complete fucking idiot?


Do I have any fucking clue how I'm going to talk to Bella about it?


I had no clue what the hell came over me.

These feelings with Grace were so on and off and it just wasn't stable enough for me to act on. Bella was what I needed and she was what I wanted so we made it work.

But then I see Grace crying, practically heart broken over fucking Vincent of course. That guy has some weird effect on women let me tell you.

Seeing her so broken and hurt made me want to love her, want her make her feel better and make her feel important, it was like an impulse when I saw her crying. I thought that if I really felt like that from her crying, maybe there was some real and strong feelings in me.

I just didn't see it before.

It poured out that day once I said fuck it and made a move. Which led to probably the best sex I've had in forever, besides Bella.

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