Chapter Forty Eight

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"Lidia you can't keep us here all day, school was out two hours ago

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"Lidia you can't keep us here all day, school was out two hours ago." Rory complains, after what felt like our three-hundredth time repeating the routine.

"She's right, we're all exhausted and I think we got it down." I stand up with Rory and address Lidia. She stood before the group of us as we followed her lead for the past two hours.

She formed and angry expression and narrowed her eyes at me.

"Alright Larsen, I guess I'll see you all tomorrow then. Thank you so much, Aurora and Grace." She growls as she stomps towards the benches of the bleachers where her things were. Everyone slowly dispersed and grabbed their things, then proceeding to leave the field towards the parking lot.

Once me and Rory were done our little stretch after practice, most of the girls were gone. It was me, Lidia and Rory left out in the field.

Eventually, Rory headed to the parking lot and left as well, so me and Lidia were the last two.


She was unplugging everything for the music and I was packing my bag and changing my shoes.

Minding my own buisness.

"You're a real bitch sometimes you know that?" Lidia says sassily as she begins to make her way over to me.

My eyebrows furrow in confusion, maybe I was a bit offended but more confused.

"I'm a bitch for telling the truth? Lidia, we were dancing for two hours in the sun. Everyone wanted to go home." I defend myself, I wasn't the only one who wanted to leave and go to sleep.

It was exhausting.

This bitch works us like dogs.

"Practice makes perfect Larsen, this is why none of you little skanks are captain. I know what needs to be done even if it's hard as fuck, that's what cheer is. You work your ass off." She leans towards me as she shouts angrily.

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